Show Y 1 a. a a. a 1 From the County's Important Communities J II HOLDEN 0 L DEN Now New Theatre Nearly Ready Our ur new picture show theatre Is nearly completed and Manager McKee McKee McKee Mc- Mc Kee expects to open tho new buildIng buildIng building build- build Ing about February 1st Tess of the Storm Country wll wil bo be the opening openIng openIng open- open Ing picture New Town Board Takes Office Our new Town Board took their oath of office on January John Wood is tho the new president Edward Edward Edward Ed Ed- ward F. F Stevens Franklin Badger Sidney P. P and John JohnC C. C Bennett Bennett Bennett Ben Ben- nett are the board members The appointive officers chosen were as follows Treasurer Edward F. F Stevens SteVens Stevens Stev SteV- H. H Johnson ens Clerk George Marshall Jay L. L Coons Justice ot of Peace Richard S. S Nixon Sexton John C. C Poulson Health Officers John Wood Edward Jones Jonea and M. M M. M Turner In Cameron has everything A. A H. H readiness to start construction of his I the I as ns new garage Just as soon weather will permit tho the pouring of concrete Mr Cameron also contemplates contemplates contemplates con con- templates building a new residence this coming spring I If the weather man will continue his good work for a n few more days will willbe willbe the road from Holden to Scipio be completed as far as the gravel Is concerned Orvin E. E Stevens h has haa s resigned from the amusement committee and Jonothan Jonathan R. R Bennett has been chos chos- chosen en n to take his place to help Joseph M. M Stephenson The Holden M men were vie vie- over the Fillmore M 1 played men in a basketball game Friday January The score was 38 to 21 Mr and Mrs George Crossland entertained at a midnight supper Friday Those present were Mr and Mrs Thad Johnson and Mr and Mrs Edwin Stephenson Mrs Joseph R. R entertained entertained enter enter- at an afternoon tea Thursday Covers were laid for six Clyde Wood is la spending a few days in Salt Lake City Mrs Francis Jensen entertained I Saturday afternoon in honor of the I birthday anniversary of her little I daughter Veta Vota Games were played and luncheon was served to 24 4 I little guests Mr and Mrs Val Styler of Oasis announce the birth of at a son san Mrs Styler was formerly of Holden Mr and Mrs Cloyd Anderton entertained entertained entertained en en- at a chicken supper aupper Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day evening Covers were laid for Fix Ix guests Mr and Mrs Samuel Bennett Sr 1 lift ft Monday for tor St. St George Georae They to be away a month Mrs D. D S. S Turner Tumor and children t l ft Monday for their home In Black Black- I ot N N. G. G manager of the Peoples People's Sugar Co at Moroni call called on his sister Mrs Elmeda Johnson Johl S of Holden while to Delta Mrs Jane Stephenson and son Clifford t left lert Thursday to spend a afew afew few weeks in Salt Lake City Olty Mrs Seth Beth J. J Johnson of at Provo returned to her home Monday after spending a month here herewith with her daughter Mrs Benjamin Stephen- Stephen lon Di Hurt L. L Robins Robine of pf Scipio was waa a n business visitor In Holden Hoiden the fore fora forepart part pt at of tho o we wash Mr and Mrs Mra Edwin Ec Stephenson entertained at dinner Sunday to tor Mr and t Mra Clayton Woods and nd Mra tra te Leda a Wood Miss hiss Gladys Jensen entertained the he Gleaner s Girs Tuesday evening o New Mew officers Cl wore select selected ad us qs t Annie AI Stevens Steven president q na Aar- rt v k Rennett vi vice president and am i Wood secretary The seventh and eighth grade a J girls went on a hl hike o last Thursday evening After Atter walking about three miles they had lunch and toasted marshmallows I Joseph E. E Reed Ree of tho the Veterans I Bureau Dureau of Salt Lake Lako City was a aI business visitor here hero the fore foro part I of the week Mrs Orvin E. E Stevens entertained I friends Sunday afternoon Luncheon I was served to six 0 c LYNNDYL c Mrs C. C E. E Freer has returned from a two weeks vacation spent with her sister in Bakersfield Cali Call fornia Bakersfield is a center of the oil cotton and grape industries about miles north of Los An An- geles Mrs Mm Freer says that seven people reported killed on the California State Stale highway on New Years Year's Eve The Tho casualties were duo portly to fog but mainly to strong drink Mrs Freer said she was glad to get back to Utah where she could I enjoy the sunshine she she saw the I Isun j sun on only one day during her twp two weeks stay in California Roy Cahoon first trick car clerk 1 is I spending u VII vacation cation in Deseret The Tho Lynndyl sowing sewing club o had hall Ui tty regular 13 ular ng at the tho home of Mrs Lola ol olT T Thompson ompson last week De Ben DY Byrd d dr r reports t that at ho Is Is glad j I t co to o get gei back to Utah man ut n after auer an extended extend ed cd visit in Dallas Texas He says osa's they h hove V ve had pad some very cold weather weather er in Texas Recently it became necessary tor for forone torone torone one of ot the mothers of at our community ity to go to the hospital for medical medial cato caio The ward voluntary gave a it benefit social to assist I in the e ex expense c. c pense penso incurred A good crowd attended attended at Qt tended and gave very liberally y to I the fund was realized from the tho party Two cakes one made mafle by Mrs Clayburn Claburn Kelsey and one by Mrs Laurine Talbot sold for tor 1260 1250 Mrs William Coleman and Mr and Mra Mm R. R Terry recently paid a n visit to friends and relatives In tn Beaver Deaver They Ther enjoyed a a. a visit with Mr and Mrs White Mrs White was formerly Ms AIs Sarah of Lynndyl Ray Wiley new manager of ot the motion picture show Is la being congratulated congratulated congratulated con con- on the tho very high-class high pictures he is showing His latest picture was from the novel Romola Romo I la Eleven reels of very very fine tine pictures pictures pic plc- tur tures s at popular prices n o |