Show S. S L lie 1 lit k c LEAMINGTON t f t The stork visited the tho homo home of oC Mr and Mrs Hunt l leaving a fine baby boy The Daughters of Utah Pioneers met Wednesday afternoon Mrs Finnell president of or the Camp beIng being being be be- ing In charge of the proceedings I About members were pres- pres ent A sumptuous lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Nielson and enjoyed by all Miss Leda Finlinson Miss Ken Ken- Ken Ien-I ney Miss Bolstead and Mr Bagley principal of our school attended Institute in institute institute In- In at Hinckley Saturday While hile il I there they took in the basketball game between Hinckley and Minersville Minersville Miners Miners- ville and report an exciting game I I Needless to say their war cry was Hurrah for Hinckley I A lively basketball game between Delta Town and Leamington was played hero here last Saturday night The Tho game was won by Delta with a I score of 35 to 14 Miss Dela Dola Nielson arrived home homo I I I this week from Salt Lake bake ake City where sho underwent an operation for or appendicitis Clint Nielson is Is' Is suffering from a dislocated shoulder er sustained durIng during during dur dur- ing a practise ball bail game qt at Lynn Lynn- dyl Leamington has shipped hl within the past st two months eleven oars of cattle one car of at h gs three cars calS of wheat forty five oars cars of at baled hay mostly hay mostly to Texas and eight dollars worth of turkeys The Tho farmers are now feeding twelve cars of steers which will be ready to market In about thirty days daya Not so bad for tor a small burg bura Who says we wo cant ral raise o hogs hoga in Millard County Senator Joe JOB Fin Fin- lInson has recently marketed five tive hogs weighing 1100 pounds at t fl e I and a halt months month old And they were Just bogs t i George E. E Smith field representative representative n- n for the tl Contra Contral U. U 9 a. Swine has bas spent a n tow few days hero here in n the interests of at tho the pure bred Chester Chestor W White variety which he ne I claims to be the tho most profitable hog hogIn hogin hogin in America Ho lIe succeeded in placing I a number of pure bred sows with farmers In the district I |