Show First Roads There probably will be all nil sorts of rivalries and disputes In the time near future future fu fu- ture over oyer the time question of ot precedence among American railroads Just as there were a few years ago over oyer the date dale and Identity of or the first steam stearn boat It seems not unlikely that the honor will have haye to b dIvided and dis ds distributed distributed dis- dis according t t. t the interpretation tion of the term terra The first road rond on which vehicles ran on rails was perhaps per haps lisps that on Beacon hill hili In n Boston In 1807 1507 Time The first road to employ steam stearn power seems to have e been the mile 27 stretch built by the Delaware Hudson Canal company In 1827 1527 from Honesdale to Carbondale PaThe Pa Ca The first road rond to carry passengers was probably tho the Baltimore Ohio which In May Slay 1830 began running from Baltimore Bal nal to EllIcott's mill 15 miles bb b by horse power New New York Hernia Hernia- TrIbune |