Show Arizona Grand Canyon But It Is no mere cleft or chasm or simple gorge or canyon canyon it It contains unnumbered hundreds of these mazes It Is a terrific trough to feet deep at some places nearly fifteen miles wide more than miles long peopled with hundreds of peaks taller than any mountain east of the Ute yet yet not one of them with Its head so high as your foot upon the rim rIm and and n nil all ablaze with such color as no Eastern Eastern Eastern East East- ern or European landscape ever knew even eyen In Its It Is a condensed condensed condensed con con- river s system stem with this tremendous tremendous tremendous tre tre- mountain s system stem countersunk countersunk countersunk counter counter- sunk and imprisoned In Its deep cut channels If you take a big palmate leaf and look at Its reticulations taking tak ing lag the midrib for fOl the main channel of of the river ri you jou ou will have e a plan resembling resembling resembling re re- It I |