Show 0 J. J i I About People You Know I X Miss 1138 Alice Howells ha has returned to Delta after an ab absence of over a year in Parowan Parowan 1 Mrs l Don Den Bishop and Mrs 1 Clair ClairIn in De Delta Della tn visiting Mrs Wayne Lison- Lison bee v Grant Taggart Taggart returned returned sur Sunday da 1 from Wyoming where he was was called by tho the de death t of at his sister I J Mr and Mrs Hyrum of Leamington were Delta Delt visitors this this we week k 1 Miss 1 Melba Howells formerly of at I Delta but now residing In Parowan I Is visiting her ber mother Mrs Eliza I Howells In Oasis Principal Willis Savage of the D Delta Delta Del Del- l-I l ta High School announces the arrival I al of at a fine tine baby girl at his bis home on on Wednesday January 13 a Mrs Charles Charles' Anderson of at Salt Lako Lake City Cily spent the week end in inDella Delta Della visiting her har husband Charlie Anderson druggist at Thorntons ns Mrs Harvey Copper Copper entertained the tho Fidelity club January 12 The evening WM wars was spent in sewing g. g Mrs A A. L. L Anderson was as a special l Mrs P. P f. f Savage and son Ward of Antimony Utah Ulah spent a a. a few foW days doys In Delta this week visiting relatives and lind friends Harold Bishop Dishop s sustained tanned d a ba badly IY I sprained ankle while playing basketball basketball basket basket- ball all against tho the team last F f Friday Mrs James s Go W was s host host- h hostess st QS ess to o Q h the Fi Fidelity EU r clu club on ou January lal h. h Bridge r 9 W was the feature t r Qt pf the te ns s entertainment t rt t I Mr Mrs Ben 1 II was wa 4 q r The Delta Warp W V n Qt r- r entertained en their bishopric in t Q High HISh School gyro gym Wednesday night The ev evening was spent apont In aon song sone and games followed d by refreshments About forty people attended the party par- par ty t r 1 s Manager R C. C Dunn pf ot of Thornton Dr Drug g store was was was' called to i to Provo Saturday Sat Sat- on account of ot the death of ot his RH rf mother r Harriett arriett E E. E Dunn Mrs Dunn p pa s. s away wr a at t h her r. r hg home I IH In Salt alt H Lake pity PUr but hut was t taken r tg g pro ro vp her r former r for tor Burial I. I m Funeral r services e were held he tn to SIxth ward Wi en Tuesday r Tuesday e a p of gf th this w week Reek lt under the direction g pf of Hyrum Hupper of at the ward bishopric A Missionary farewell party was given Tuesday night In honor of at Elder Albert Skidmore prior to his departure arture for France The following g pro program was rendered Piano solo Miss U nH sen remarks Bishop Elder Skidmore vl Violin Belo John Jphn Hilgendorf and a om one not pl ploy play ar directed Qt ir y Mr fir and d Mr Mrs N N. Glenn Neeley T The Tha f remainder malrid r pf of pt tho evening was WIl spent In in games games and lla dnn dancing 1 1 Levi H H lI McCullough cC leLett left lett Tuesday night to till flit a in Samoa A party in his honor was given in the the D Delta Third Ward on Friday of ot last week An exceptionally exception exception- ally Int interesting program was rendered render render- ed including the following numbers al solo by George Sampson reading reading read read- t ing qt V Verses r 93 composed by Roxie Nanning Manning nh by fey EH 1 Davenport iii- iii ro- ro marks by r Elder r CO gh and Geo Gee a mp pf Qt the tho war ward bishopric nOT HOT T TAMAI C SUPPER A hot supper r- r win i fio ho Iy at of the ip South T Tract a S Social ct l Qi Halit l Hj r nm January fr from OHI tl J to H 11 1 r p. M M- E Eyel R R. R C C. C Cass returned returned Wednesday from a business trip Lake Garvin Bryant m manager manager nager of ot the I Seed Co of at Salt Lake City is spending a few tew days in Delta A baby girl came camel to gladden the h home me of ot and Mr and Mrs Albert Warner ncr of Leamington Mrs Anna Vincent t of ot Beaver Deaver Is visiting her daughter Mrs William WilliamD D D. D Black Joane Doane oane the daughter of ot Dean Dean F. F Peterson suffered Buttered a n a fractured arm in ina Ina a fall last Sunday Mrs Alta Alta Brunson of Fillmore spent Sunday in Delta visiting her mother Mrs Helen McCullough gh I |