Show II UTAH FARM BUREAU Ai ANNUAL CONVENTION I 1 Governor George H. H Devil will tell tellof tellof of ot the for the advancement advance advance- ment meat of ot agriculture In Utah at the annual convention o of ot the Utah State Farm Bureau and its affiliated cooperatives cooperatives co op to be held at the I Hotel January to according to an announcement made by M. M S. S Winder Vinder secretary of at the FArm Form Bu Bu- Bu reau Among some of the other prominent speakers to address the convention will will be Dr George Thomas president of at the University of ot Utah D. D W W. Aupperle president of ot the Colorado Potato Growers Growers' association Harden Bennion Dennion State of at Agriculture Agriculture Agri Agri- culture Professor Levi Edgar Young of the University of ot Utah Ephraim Bergeson president of ot the tho Utah State Farm Bureau and others Many of the problems of the farmers farmers farm tarm- ers Including taxation marketing of crops weed control contro farmers investments invest invest- ments and other ether matters will be taken up at the various sessions of the conventi con con- venti on Each of or the six cooperative marketIng marketIng marketing market- market Ing associations will have c complete charge of ot one one of ot the sessions The home and community section of ot the Farm Bureau which is conducted under un un- un del der the direction of ot the women will have a prominent part In the program The election of officers of ot the farm bureau will be held during the afternoon afternoon after after- noon of tho the opening day of the tho con can Several of ot the cooperative marketing organizations will also elect their officers for 1926 One of the largest crowds ever ver attending attending at at- tending a convention of the farm bureau burena bu bu- bu reau rena is expected From the present indications there will be more than 2000 WOO persons present This will be a per cent increase over the convention convention convention con con- of at last year The reasons for forthe forthe forthe the large Increase which Increase which is expected Is said to be due to the activities and accomplishments of ot the cooper cooperative Uve associations More than worth of farm tarm products were handled by the various cooperative associations during 1925 Better prices was received by the farmers through this means It is said One of ot the features of ot the convention which no doubt will attract considerable attention will be bethe bethe bethe the display of ot the Utah seed exhibit which won thirteen out of ot the fifteen prizes in the alfalfa seed division atthe of at the International Hay Grain and Seed Show held hold at Chicago in Dec December mb r. r Utah was given the credit of raising j the best alfalfa in the United States at the show Dr George Stewart of the Utah Agriculture College and E. E E. E Smith the two men who had charge of at the exhibit will be on hand |