Show FOX AND HOUNDS I II r 4 w h l I lit I. I When the Fox Got to the Top of the Hill He Stopped Trotting and Sat Silt Sat Down COWl GROUP of ot Vine street children A f- f fl l and two nursemaids were looking lookIng lookIng look- look Ing a amusedly at Doctor Glure's gentle old pointer dog who uy on the top step of his masters master's veranda Old Man Negley was passing by on his wa way to weed the doctors doctor's flower beds Seeing the little group in front frontI of the veranda he paused to find out why they had paused there I Glancing over the top of ot the nearer nursemaids nursemaid's cap he saw the pointer reposing on the porch Then he saw that a fluffy black kitten was curled up asleep between the dogs dog's forepaws The big pointer did not molest the youngster but seemed to have ha an ar air arof arof of benign protectiveness as ass he looked down at her As for the kitten It was evident Ident that she had felt no fear at all of the powerful dog since she bad had crept between his front paws for her morning nap Did you ever see the like exclaimed exclaimed exclaimed ex ex- ex- ex claimed one of the nursemaids as Old Man Negley came up And yet et the they say cats and dogs hate one another I Look how old Prince acts to that kitty Its It's Its It's like the lamb and the lion lying down together The lamb and the lion have lain down together lots of times outside the Scriptures spoke up up Old Man Negley I remember a circus where they had a lion in the same cage with witha a lamb It was a big attraction though I 1 always had my my own private opinion that the circus people had to toI I renew the lamb every now and then on the sly Maybe I 1 was mistaken at attha tha that tYes t. t Yes Prince and that kitten are chums Do yo you you know why A pointer is one of the very wisest of dogs Prince has been taught never to bother any of Doctor Glure's house cats That kitten was born In the Glure house She remembers Prince as far back as she remembers her own moth moth- er She's never seen any other dogs so 80 she doesn't know dogs and cats are sworn enemies Tho The first time she sees a strange dog that ancestral Instinct will make male her spit at him and know h hes hd's s 's her enemy She doesn't know Prince is So she snuggles up to him And he lets her do It because she's little and helpless It 11 Is funny the way instance can befooled be befooled befooled fooled sometimes 1 For 01 Instance back In the I used to be one of the at a fashionable hunt club that had Just been formed ormed The members mem mem- bers bens w were ere all nIl rich and they all tried to ape the English At that period a lot lotof lotof of cf people used to try you know Well they formed a hunt bunt club and they Imp Imported a II priced high-priced pa pack k of foxhounds from England and they were read ready to hunt Then all aU at once they found out that the club wasn't In a apart apart apart part of the country where there were an any foxes So what does the master of ot the theL L u out DUI sena up to tee shIres to a trapper and buy a young fox It was too toolate late in the season todo to todo do any hunting that year So he had the fox sent to the kennels and he gave us orders to put him In to a pen and see he was fed and watered so they could turn him litre loose the next season for the hounds to chase The master was bound there should be at least one good days day's sport for tor the club anyhow Next season all aU the members assembled assembled assembled as as- on their best horses and in their Imported red coats The fox tox was taken out out of his pen and turned loose and given fifteen minutes' minutes start starton on the ie hounds Then the hounds were loosed and they caught the trail In a minute Away the they ran baying baring and at top speed with all the red-coated red huntsmen and galloping In pursuit It sure looked ed like It was going to be bea a fine chase Presently the fox tox came In sight trotting up a bill hill about half a amile amile amile mile In front The hounds tore after him When the fox got to the top of the hill bill he be stopped trotting and he be sat down I The hounds surged up the slope after him and the riders galloped at full lU tweed speed eed after the hounds Some of ot the tender-hearted tender hunt turned their heads away awny They didn't want to see the poor harmless little fox torn to shreds by those twenty ravening hounds The hounds came dashing up to where the fox fox was But Dut they tIley didn't do any killing kUling They frisked around the fox wagging their tails The fox and some of the younger dogs beg began n to romp together in Inn a friendly way The They were all aU having haYing a lovely time when the fox caught sight of the crowd or riders bearing down at him Then he yawned and stretched himself and trotted off down the other side of the hill t to the woods Did the hounds chase chose him They did not Those hounds Just stood wagging their tails taUs kind of wistful-like wistful as If they were sorry their playfellow v was wal leaving them so soon The riders Just sat with their mouths wide open The whole thing was a mystery to them But It wasn't any m mystery to me Heres Here's the tile answer answer an an- ewer When the fox had come to the hunt club from the Berkshires Berkshire he was such sucha a likeable little cuss that I took a n afancy afancy fancy tancy to him I figur figured d he might be lonesome So I put him In u h pen next to the hounds D By and by they began to get used to him being there and they'd touch noses with him After a a while I took tooka a chance by letting him take his exercIse exercise exercise ex ex- ex- ex every day In the big enclosure with some of the hounds By Dy that time they'd gotten to know him so well the they didn't bother him at all At last he and the hounds all nIl used to exercise together and live together Well long before the hunting season season sea sea- season son began the fox and the hounds were chums So when they were turned loose after him they were glad enough to go looking for tor him For It was a couple of da days s 's since they had seen him You see I had put him in another another an an- other pen as soon as the hunt people began to come back to the club They followed him and caught up with him and had a n nice frolic with him And then he got tired of playing and he loafed away They let him go Why wouldn't they The hunt people were furious The story got Into and all sorts of fun was poked at the hunters The master of the hounds made Inquiries and found out what had happened and he fired me He was right to It was all my ray fault You see I hadn't much liked the Idea of getting a pet fox and taking care of it for six or or r eight months just for the sake of turning It loose loode to be murdered So I I had put the matter up to the hounds Just as Ive I've told you you And the they decided It my way Yes I deserved to be fired all allright allright allright right all right I wanted to bo be I Copyright by the Syndicate Inc |