Show II I I v COUNTY BRIEFS y- y FILLMORE FILLMORE-D FILLMORE District District Court will convene here Monday January Januar 25 with Judge Thomas W W. Burton Burton on the bench There are a number number of criminal crim inal cas cases and a a great great many civil cases on the calendar most ot them held over from the last term OAK CITY This CItY This town is now ent enJoying en- en t the convenience of electricity It the the Jules juice having been boen turned on for the first time on January Every home here will soon be using electricity for both light and power HOLDEN The HOLDEN-The The new picture theatre theatre theatre thea thea- tre is nearly completed It Is la planned planned planned plan plan- ned to present the tho opening show about tho the first of February I HINCKLEY Elvin HINCKLEY an and d Melvin Melvln Webb twin brothers left Monday for tor Belgium to perform missionary mission mission- fry ary work The young men are sons sona of at Mr and Mrs William Webb LEAMINGTON Within LEAMINGTON Within tho the past pMt two months Leamington has shipped 4 out 11 cars of cattle one car of bogs boga V 3 S cars of at wheat 45 cars of b bled baled led hay hay mostly mostly IY to Texas and worth of at turkeys 12 cars of at steers are being fed and will bo be ready for Cor market In sixty days OASIS OASIS OASIS-A A debate between Herman Herman Herman Her Her- man Pedersen of Oasis State Bank Dank and Floyd G. G Eyre of the Delta and HInckley seminaries will bo be held Inthe in inthe inthe the Nelson school Tuesday January 2 Both parties will be assisted by a high school student WOODROW WOODROW WOODROW-At At a meeting held here Wednesday evening a new now board of directors for tor the tho communIty community community ity hall was elected The new or- or Mor-ison Mor Ion is as follows L. L Morrison Mor- Mor rison president Mrs E. E G. G R. R Tracy vice-president vice Mrs W. W W. W Perkins treasurer far Ralph King secretary Walter Barben Darben is also a Do member of or ort t the e board I p n |