Show mm COURT is 15 isTO I ITO ITO TO GOME COME FIRST I II I AFTER APTER ITS DI SENATE WILL TAKE UP CONSIDERATION TION JION OF TAX BILL Senate Aluminum Investigation Will WillBe WillBe WillBe Be Resumed This W Week k Inquiry On B British British Rubber Is Scheduled 4 Washington While While the h house use Is approving the appropriation for American participation In the Geneva Geneva Ge Ge- neva nea preliminary disarmament conference conference con con- ference the senate will resume consideration consideration consideration con con- of at the resolution for tor American Amen Ameri can adherence to the world court Talk of ot Invoking cloture on tho the court discussion so as to get this issue Is Issue is is- sue out of at the way before the tax bill bm billIs billis Is reported has begun but It has not yet developed into a d definite move move- ment m nt This may ma may come right away The tax bill will bo be ready by the tho end of df t the week but the managers want to give senators time to study It b before tore asking for its consideration The They believe that by taking It up early ear ear- ly 13 In February a vote can be bo had before before before be be- fore the end of that month The senate aluminum Investigation will be resumed this week week as will the house inquiry Into the alleged British of ot rubber Secretary Hoover will be De heard during the week on the rubber question while officers of the federal trade commission will be examined ex ox- with respect to the governmental governmental govern govern- mental investigation of at the the Aluminum company of ot America In which Secretary Secretary Secre Secre- tary Mellon Is a stockholder Farm legislation particularly the crop surplus question will occupy the attention of the house bouse agriculture committee The senate committee will hear officials of the Ne New Orleans and Chicago exchanges on the Caraway Cara Cam way bill to prohibit speculation In cotton and grain futures The house naval committee will hold hearings on the proposal to replace replace re re- re- re place the airship Shenandoah At the same time the house military committee commit commit- tee will hear Secretary Davis of ot the war department on the question of ot the status aircraft are to have In national national na na- na defense |