Show SOUTH TRACT J i I The Tho South Tract Social club club will hold a hot tamale supper aupper In tn the I club hall on tho the evening of Saturday Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day January from 6 to 11 P.M. P. P M. M Everyone is Invited and a good time is promised to all The bachelors and entertained the club at a social Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- night A a short ort program was rendered after which dancing was enjoyed d. d Refreshments consisting of pie a a. la Ia mode sandwiches and cocoa co no I coa colt wore served Everyone present declared they had had the time of at I their lives Mr and Mm Mrs B. B Whitmore entertained entertained entertained enter enter- at dinner Sunday Covers were laid for Mr and Mrs Harry Pearson and Mr and Mrs Jack Ken- Ken nelly Mr and and Mrs J. J E. E Whitmore entertained entertained entertained en en- at dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs Frank Anderson and Fred Fre-d p O |