Show t HINCKLEY s R RElvin Elvin and Melvin Webb twin sons of Mr and Mrs William Webb left Monday for Salt Lake City where they will attend a mission school for fora a 1 short time before leaving to perform perform perform per per- form missionary work in Belgium Hinckley High basketball team defeated defeated defeated de de- the Minersville team on the Hinckley floor last Saturday night by a n score of 18 to 13 Loreen Edwards of at Delta spent the I week-end week in Hinckley visiting his cousin Easten The school teachers of west Mil Mil- Mil Mil- I I I lard County met in a Teachers' Teachers Institute Institute In In- here Saturday January 16 Principal A. A I. I TIppetts of the Hinckley High school has resumed his hies school duties after an absence of several weeks due du to a severo ill m- ness The eighth grade entertained the High school Friday morning with the following program solo Clean Wilcox piano plana solo reading Edith mixed trio John Jenkins Co school paper Hope Hilton HUton 0 n o |