Show Ancient and fA Modern ad ern Systems of 01 Currency In the Hie early curly days duys of or our civilization when n it II mans man's Hocks locis and herds were his only nl possessions tile they also constituted I his Ills money and ond when metal coins cio cr first Introduced many had cattle aUll Mumped on them Tin iii for fur rattle cattle Is perus and II It I I. I not n II fur fut stretch from this to in our wore word pt which II is usually as- as el with Villa money Again the word cattle nUle Is derived from trona capital the Ilse origin In of or which l Is la rile Ilse ward rd ca put inclining n a head at land nd and from the er very earliest times e have hen heen spoken of or us s so much per henL perIt It Is curious too ton how o agriculture has Of affected our s system seln of or When n luau found It easier lIsler to 10 dig elig with Ith a II bronze or Ill Iron spade than wit Ii It II was wis nut not long he ho- fore fure Iron unit and bronze ruins coins oln came into lI use e Inter titer when gold anti silver sliver were discovered icel they he were quickly adopted tar for currency The word ord salary conies from When the Romans dominated dom dum Britain lI they y took possession of n fI great grent l many of the tile suit snit mines because be he- rouse cause suit salt then a valuable com coin commodity In addition workmen In the salt ull mines were frequently paid with suit Milt and It was not long this form of remuneration became known as RS |