Show DELTA HIGH SCHOOL BURNS Up i Chemical Truck Badly Needed The need of a f- f fire department an and equipment for fighting fires was a again a- a gain apparent by the latest fire our fire our worst The need means to fight fires has been so strongly demonstrated in the thelast thelast thelast last few years tears that it is a shame the town has not bought equipment The first large fire could have been easily controlled had we had a fire department That fire destroyed the tile Lincoln Theatre the tile Reynolds poo pool hall t the tee e Clark Street Market the Blue Delta Mercantile Co and the Blue Blue- bird The loss totalled not all covered by Insurance The next big fire occurred in the afternoon afternoon afternoon after after- noon and could easily have been controlled and even put out That loss was over When the old First National Bank building burned down In the night there is much that an efficient efficient efficient ef ef- equipment properly handled could have saved It The Ward Hotel Hotel Hotel Ho Ho- tel was another fire that a small outfit outfit outfit out out- fit In the of at the blaze it is almost sure would have quenched it That again was one of our large loss loss- es not hot fully covered There Is no ground around for the thought that a town so badly scattered out as this could or can afford a complete water works but they can thing of ofa a a- small equipment such as a truck with a big chemical on it a reel of hose some ladders and a department nt in which the men take an at Interest fire are supported by the townspeople and it Is made worth while to be a member In the department This will cost from 2200 up to say We will pay that In losses In just a afew afew afew few short years and in increased rates Without faro firo fighting machinery scattered over all aU the years we are areso areso areso so lacking Increased rates must be put Into effect to cover COVeT losses It Is a law of economics that a people people people peo peo- pay for a thing they need whether er they buy that thing or not And we pay for the app apparatus ratus even tho We haven't bought and wind up the way Iway it is by not having It even when wilen weve we've paid for It There are m many ny organizations In town which would contribute besides individuals stores et cetera who would chip In for a chemical hose hoseT ladders and trucks And then a good organizer with magnetic personality line Une the boys boya and men up with enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm en en- to Join and stay hitched In In practices drills and so forth The first to head the list is Lester Bamberger Bamberger Bam- Bam Bamberger berger of Riverside who If a com com- unity spirit Is begun will start the thel l st t with a n subscription of 50 60 We have been told by a prominent business man that all the sum and that the largest we have mentioned can be In a a wee week and the e- e in action within a month I e-I Lets Let's not talk anything too big or out ut of place but within our scope i and then do It IT CAN BE DE DONE LETS LET'S DO IT Yb f r ta r r e a pL r I i r. r f h t Fi Mh R SYr t S. S Ib P 3 pi piL 1 1 w L r t t I |