Show How Much Does Pullet Cost Till Able to Lay The North Carolina State college has conducted several tests to determine determine deter deter- mine the amount of feed required to start a Red Hed Pd ed Plymouth Hock flock or W Wyandotte In laying pullet In one series of tests the entire animal fled feed fi ed was us milk and in the oth other r meat meal In Inthe Inthe the time case of the milk-fed milk pullets It required required required re re- re- re 20 O pounds of feed from the time the pullets were hatched till they begun began began be be- gan gun to la lay 21 1 weeks later Inter This feed fed cost 71 cents In the time meat ment meal flock norl nine and one half pounds of mash and nine and one-half one pounds of grain were used and the Hie cost ost was 57 cents Addin Adding the time cost ost of ot the chick and und other oth uth er costs the S S. S C C. Rhode Island Red ned Barred Rock noel or White Wyandotte Wyandotte Wy Wy- pullets pullet Just In In lay would cost when milk fed and when meat meal fed These pullets sell for 2 each nt at In laying time If you have hn surplus milk feed It H to the growing glowIng birds |