Show I Principle That Pays in City Improvement The beauty of many European cities Is due to the fact tact that long ago they adopted the principle of excess condemnation condemnation condemnation con con- and were thus enabled not only to save money on the cost of the work but to Insure that Its surroundings surround surround- ings fags be in harmony with the plan plate after the they had passed back Into private hands One of the most noted examples examples exam exam- ples pies of the practice of excess condemnation condemnation con con- Is the thoroughfare In Loudon London London Lon Lou don called Kingsway which was cut through the heart of ot a n slum quarter and now Is lined by some of the very ery finest buildings in the world At Its Us foot is situated the Bush building built by American capital but nevertheless nevertheless never never- a structure In which all London London London Lon Lon- don takes pride If It a similar opportunity opportunity opportunity were given ghen American cities they too could create similar improvements improvements improve improve- ments with assurance that the taxpayers taxpayers' taxpayers taxpayers' taPay ers' ers money would not be spent In vain Detroit News I |