Show Get Cow Into Condition During Its Its' bry Dry Period Largest profit during the milking milking- period period may be expected ted only from cows curs that have been j gotten In good Cows condition during the dry period that are thin at nt calving cal time neerI never neer m I have an opportunity to do their best Silage and a legume hay are the best foundation of a ration for the heifer or dry cow The fitting ration should be fed liberally fro from 7 to 12 pounds per da lay day forn fora for for a n period of ot four j to six weeks before fore calving excepting that when within a week or ten days ua's of ot calving It is best to change to a Ii lighter ter and milder er laxative ration Im I'm Eal al parts of corn or r hominy feed wheat bran ground oats and from 10 to i per cent of linseed oil meal apI ap ap- 3 I preaches the Ideal DS ln mixture for the time preparation p period period- H II d I |