Show Poultry Facts Birds that are not fit to he be kept over o as breeders should be disposed of at nt once Moldy or spoiled feed Is always dangerous It causes Cluses loss of appetite appe appe- time tite diarrhea fun fungus uR growth in the Innards and often kills the fowls Dont Don't be afraid to feed fed oats outs especially especially especially espe espe- If It you OU can cun get heavy hen white while oat oats They are a n great poultry fee feed unless too much hull and not enough kernel If It laying fowls lose weight give them thein more grain If the they're le lazy heavy hemy HI la laying poorly cut emit the till grain down so they'll eat ent more mash mesh Corn also barley harley It If fed red should bo bl given In the evening because these thes I feeds provide ned needed I heat hent for the I birds during cold old nights ts on time the roosts lOOtS e Improve your flock noel next t year ear by getting source some good males to breed with whim them Start rl right ht now to looking honking or writing mound armor and locate some som good ones 0 I Turkey will begin laying ln Indoors even en In till the late bite winter months If I the they are well VeIl hf sheltered und mind given glnn n goo good laying mash h 1 ere iere Is plenty of nf room for fur more poultry meat cent It pegs H to tn keep koep a flock of good meat mat fowls that have ha been il hn-il for tor egg t e Dont Don't think you JU hun bine to keep Leg teg Leghorn horn hor to gel pt eggs s Any meed or 01 allt all ety t inn cnn he E rod for tor egg production It Is lo n a n matter alter of strain more mure than I ble breed d 1 i |