Show HINCKLEY NEWS VS 1 to We Ve were very sorry to learn Icam of the fire that destroyed the Delta school It Is a great loss to the entire county but we commend the spirit of the Delta people and the Board Doard of Edu Edu- cation to for fo- their prompt determination tion to make all arrangements to house the students and to rebuild Just as quickly as may be Word has reached us of the the death of Ira Gull at Tooele of 50 flu monia mania H Ha has lived here for years and was a highly young I man About two months ago he and his family went wont to Tooele where he had employment He leates a wife and two young young sons besides many relatives Our sincere sympathy goes to the bereaved family Mr and Mrs Clement Milton Hilton announce announce announce an an- the birth of a baby girl born Dec at Salt Lake City Miss Roma Jarvis left Monday for Salt Lake where sh she intends studyIng studying study study- ing music IV r. r Clair Bliss has gone to Cedar City where he has secured work wo Mrs Josephine Christensen spent the holidays In Aurora with rela- rela tives ives Mr and Mrs Carl Theobald and family amily visited in Provo with Mr MI and Mrs Jacob Croft during th tire the holIdays hol- hol days Mrs David Jennings has returned return return- ed to her hei home In Logan after atter a afew a. a few ew days visit Mr 11 and Mrs Byron Parker have returned to Payson after atter a brief visIt visit vis- vis It t with v relatives The holidays have been filled with witha a variety of oC entertainment for both ho tho old and young for which a great deal Is due to the Amusement Amusement Amusement Amuse Amuse- ment Committee I Last ast Thursday the tho single men challenged the married ones to a rabbit hunt The married men won and nd were royally entertained at a dance ance Saturday evening by the los- los ers rs r I Mrs rohs Marlon Bishop and Mrs Clarence Clarnce Clar- Clar nce ence Bishop entertained friends ClaT 1 at a party arty Wednesday evening Games were played and refreshments ser- ser red ved ed Mrs Parley Warnick entertained at t a party In n honor of her husbands husband's birthday New Years Eve Tho primary h held hald ld a program and andance andi dance ance for tho the young people on New Years Day l |