Show I 1 SOUTH TRACT NEWS I I 1 Mrs French yas us guest of ot honor at ata ata ata a bridge party given givon by Mrs Pearson Thursday afternoon First prize was wall won by Mrs second by Mrs Beckwith and und low by Mrs Cook A guest prize was given Mrs French There Thero wore three tables of players Refreshments were served Mrs Mrs Irs Frank Anderson entertained at dinner Friday evening for tho the following following following fol fol- fol- fol lowing guests Mr and Mrs J. J M M. Dods Dads Mr and Mrs Paul Townsend Otis Corbett and family E. E L. L Anderson Andorson An An- demon derson and family and Henry Bott Dott The largest crop of seed on all the South Tract this year was practically practical practical- ly a a. tie between Fred Haumann and B. B W. W Whitmore so together they gave a n. treat neighbors last Saturday night The party was a ahard ahard ahard hard times party Corn meal mush and milk was served during tho the early early early ear ear- ly evening and anel at at- midnight sandwiches sandwiches sand sand- pickles doughnuts and cof cof- cof- cof fee Prizes for the hardest costumes costumes costumes cos cos- cos- cos were won by Mrs J. J P. P Fidel and Mr Frank Johnson Mrs Mrs J. J E E. E Whitmore gave a dinner din I dinner din din- ner New Years Year's Eve for the B. B W W. Fred Keim Keirn and Frank I Johnson The ladies ladles of the club entertained the men New Years Year's day at nt a party at the hall Bridge was played at Which prizes were won by y Mrs Fred Baker Balcer and H H. H E. E Beck for tor high and Mrs James Kennalley and Mr Harry Pearson for low low At six o'clock a ahot ahot hot ot supper Was served to about sixty Mrs Irs Lanham had charge of the en en I Mrs l Otis Corbett had as dinner guests New Years Year's day the Frank FVank Anderson and the E. E L L. L Anderson families and Mr and Mrs Dods Mr Mr and Mrs Dods expect to return to to Salt Lake right after the tIle New Year Mildred Baker and John Van Winkle Winkle Winkle Win Win- kle returned to Salt Lake City where they are attending college A meeting of the Executive Executive- Board will be held Jan 3 at the home of Mrs James Kennelley |