Show I THE RABBIT HUNT La j week we published that Oak try ty y uD challenged Delta to a t rabbit h hunt hint nt nets their bailiwick The hunt was for f winners take all and was held Now New Now Years Tears Day The Delta aggregation was large In numbers hut but ut poor In m marksmanship their sighting eyes being a little bleary f om f-om om the night before Oak City had bad hadt t erda on the tho hills the day before ar nr down or rabbits w rW ey ley tied to the brush by their hint Wat j gs with baling wire When the scuttle scuffle began they potted th these se first thing and got the lead which they Kept all nil day We have no information as to how many johns Johna perished that day but the colossal number must have run Into the millions millions millions-a a fair lot of shootIng shootIng shoot shoot- Ing lug for fOt one day |