Show I d A c i I haw a T U G- G OF THE THEBy By HAL COPYRIGHT COP by es- HA HAU HAI 6 G. EVARTS WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE At the Warren ranch the th- th Three Dar Bar a stranger applied ap ap- plied piled tor work as aI rider a Wll- Wll tte Ann Warren known to all as Billie f Is th the owner of the ranch The girls girl's father al Warren had been the original original nal owner The newcomer Is put PUI putto putto to work Cattle rustlers hav been troubling the ranch owners rhe The new hand gives his name atal nt- nt al Harris By Dy his announce announcement I ment In n favor Cavor of oC squatters ht hs Incurs Incura the enmity of oC a n rider known as liS Morrow The will mad by Cal Warren stipulated that thai half halt the property should go t the t t. the he son of ot his old friend Harris harms under certain conditions conditions- The new arrival Is III the man man and ami he discloses the fact tart to Wills- Wills Slade a ranchman with an un tin unsavory savory reputation visits Will Dill I. I Slade Sinde endeavoring to embra DUlle Dillie Is 18 Interrupted by Harris While the riders rider are at et thel e evening meal far tar out on it tin tho range six outsiders Join them knows them to be rus tiers To ro test Harris' Harris COUf courage th the girl appoints him temporary foreman tore fore nan man su suggesting that thaI he order the visitors to tea leave ve Somewhat ro to her surprise he does so Tt Tr men depart making threats RI lie Ill makes make Harris permanent tore fore foreman man Morrow lorrow tea vIr attic attle where they can be stolen Hirris discharges him with Hillie Billie a man Morrow lorrow shoots at Harris Barris Throe Three 1 R tr r ders start In pursuit ot of Morrow Harrow One rune of ot them flange Bangs Is 1 I Im hert and killed Harris out out- lit Ilura I list Ins plans for tor bringing et set- t tiers tier into the country millE rte lIe f ides to write to her la er lud Judge ludKe E Colton Collon for tor i l j t CHAPTER V Continued V-Continued Continued 12 12 12 t Well licit try It II she sill said I 1 know a thit ji al 11 on would Weald rather see the he 1111 Three Bar lir o to pieces from Us Its own t I pressure lighting from the Inside to tt I Ilm k to o se see It whittled dun down u tout the Ille fl outside without our fighting 1 had back She to her teepee to write J the nor letter Judge Cottons Cotton's ad all adlie advice allIe vice lie on till this matter Hotter which would mom mean lIeH n I the tile turning point In Iii Bar ar affairs An Au hour l later Home rode away awny from k 1 t t the 11 wn wagon lIn h his Is bed lied roll packed on a aled aled led hur horse se heading for rills Drills with the j i that thaI meant so o much to ro the f Tin Three re il liar Bair lr As tie he left Harris handled him hini f two vi letters he hind hall written weeks week v Pl past 11 t. t before leaving lea the ranch i only the e three of them t 1 knew of fit the he intended move more hut but in the 5 course ot of It the next next few tew days It had hud hadi i rumored among the men that thai I the Three fine Dar was as to ro turn Into a af at t f funning outfit The girl Irl learned IJ that thai I was the source soure of ot these t WhIspers w l I Ever er r since Inee i the he dep departure of Morrow sup up hart had bt been ln sullen Twice he lie had taken exceptions to some order ot of Harris hut but the new foreman had pa k I overlooked fI c the fact talt However er Uli the II fill day ria after utter the departure ot of i. i with wilh the rhe letter Jetter to ro Judge Col toh Colton nl ton tills Harris whirled on the man n as he III nude mart an un antl n remark when I tin this hands were g gathered for the noon anon t meat A That'll he all he s said lit Til p Y e sift oui mr time limit You took things up v a re iii-re left Idl oft alt Now Nov you can ai so s 's hum haul him up liP find and compare compare notes rant u man f speak k hi hl his mill 1 i Ill I'll tl 11 t lie Iii ran t talk lOe his Is' Is head off ofT f t Mild Hirt Hut Bill he cant can't urN overlook any Thre Thres' Iah aloes i-alves on hf his circle while Im I'm r t l the I a Morrow r w tried i liMi I tin while he w was tS breaking von In f I arts arp Kera er ey sd 9 t he fates faces ut the rhe i taco men aid snarled to ter but hul chan changed et his hiI i mind ins and headed for i the rope corral on I. I I flints hats gi going V Ita lerne us chart horl rl to the r m. m w Inrid Carp Inri Carpin in Bangs Ba H Home rne ought to II get pl hack back from f Bill today P ve only one more week tart nut so guess e we e can worry s I II 1 II h. h t. 1 How Ilow did f you she site asked A II r a ors fp I Ibis J uie u n Lanky cuu eau caught ht Ilan o a I punch 1 ol of t Cu ith calves l es e end J d L Lanky is worth e 4 ame Jt tick I. I from Brills Brill's In III the awl nd wan mon rods rods- l' l rt aai lra said 1 Alden A Id n I what I lisp hp sheriffs I swing slit h here rl The rite 1 1 Ilie I ht 1 lI II tWill III and the wrangler il with nith lie rhe I d dump 11 1 I to III haze the rii animal In i tJ as r fI kinds HUri 1 fh the gt girl III ne lie was VI o II I t tall H K gaunt rii map man 1 Y with a II slight stoup stoup stoop Ills His II keen on III gray gra t e. I s S. S peered forth trolls from n is mute maze ot ut Miri lIn un J sui mounted by hy bushy act eyt 7 roans the droop gray nl ol u B. B i I ui- ui alu ur III hig rather rIther h r rhan det t sou th of count 4 He fIe dropped n a hand on the rise ther I s 's r and looked ather ni at I her sun son Billie he asked Everything E running smooth About Abour the same she said They Thy were old lId friends and 1501 the girl know knew that Alden would help her In any pus pos way WilY The sherin turned to 0 Harris I see youve you've settled down to a steady Job nl In Instead tend of browsing around the hills alone I run across Home at nt t Brills Brill's and he was telling me about some sortie one gunning for tor you from the hrush brush M Morrow orr he says Do your you want me to pick Morrow up un It would only waste your our time ante Harris Burris said We couldn't prove It on him the him the way things s are Fact Alden agreed But ut I could hold him till after youre you're back at the ranch Some day folks may wake up and ne need ed n a sheriff It Its It's hard to say say The men Dlen had finished working the herd heid and were crowding around the hp wagon foi tut I their heir meal You go o ahead and eat Billie AI Al Aldon don deft said Call ul I and Ill I'll feed n a little k a 1 w a Will Try It It It She Said Inter later on OIL Ive I've gut got a fuss tuss to pick with Cal al Billie left them together and the sheriff squatted on his heels What s this rumor about your farming fanning the Three Bar he asked Horne Home said all ull the rhe hands elands were guess guessIng Ing log but I haven't beard anything about it outside And I dont don't want avant it leaking out he be- tore Cure we start stait Harris Is said But flut were we're going gulag to break out the tint lillI I hud had the plans all 1111 laid and eat m word ward oft off Things are ure moving toward Inward the flue start right now stir sh things uI up Alden predict ed d H h title one er he traced n a design In the dust then hen blurted blotted It out Ill Til play In with yoU vou the best besl I inn can Weve gut got to make a u clean Hun Is said sold fiet nel let the flue wild nn ones s deli set bet apart Then they can be bt handled rt Alden was old uld Idle Kile Ios Kos leI it who had drawn apart LIparI from the rest and nd was ib eat eating trig his bis meal In oll oli tude The Tilt old nid sushi man hush had taken a n hunt booi libel 1 truth his lil hi and wa avers study studyIng studyIng f In Ing It u US If fascinated 1111 r 1 I h by the II tl ruu routed etI d In him shook hl Ills his pear head nel U us as he hp rose ruse and I wowed moved tI III a toward Id I'd the wagon Home was telling me tae about Bill Being ti's too t he said Pretty is tough fur for tile Ulle tiles I Is s- s w a was c a as cloe I u s i us s father lien arid and r v son on those t two two W I. Hun Is und the sherIn lJ the lit rest at ul the wagon II unit and held heid mil plates pities stud and sups h to Waddles The girl Irl avus u was oddly excited anxious lus fur for the start now that r the he decision had hid lIe peen been n made How V long will It ft lake t to ro gel Jcl thill things things' moving after c aae get gel bade bick she asked Not Nol nose mote than a fI week cel celal at al the rhe out oUI outside side lI Harris Irl said bald ald less less You Toe don't dont mean that she stated I 1 want to know he truth You roil have ha It ft he assured d her I hat had tile the plans plena all laid Our UZ crew Is y headed for tor the Bar Before eore they get there every uy a wac an will have hn tiled filed on u a quarter I designated for him Inside a week weck well we'll have ha covered ered the flat fiat Long after afler the rhe hands hud hind turned In for the tile night she heard hunt faint n a murmur mur mm murmur mur of voices and looked fro from In her teepee The brilliant moonlight showed Harris and the sheriff sitting off ofT by themselves veSt For or no apparent reason she thought of Carlos Deane Deline und point by point palm she c contrasted ted him hint with wilh the he man who sat talking to the sheriff I Each Kach ch was almost super super- In his own chosen line and she hc luu caught herself wondering what each ench one would do du It If suddenly transplanted transplanted trans trans- planted to the rhe environment of ot the outer other Then her wind mind occupied Itself Harris who would soon break breakout breakout out the first plow furrow tow us-tow that flint had ever er scars scars-ed the within range a radius ra ra- dills dius of ot fifty miles and she pictured again n II sign she had bad seen that day Squatter let your our wagon wheels keep turning CHAPTER VI Three heavy wagons eu each h drawn I h. h by Tout big mules traveled north along the tilE er stage troll trail E Every ry I wagon ngun was loaded to the brim ot of the triple box Two men were mounted Ion ion I j jon on each wagon sent seat sent the man nian beside the driver balancing a rille rifle across his I knees Nice Ice place to camp Tiny said the I guard on the lead lend wagon He pointed off ofT across a flat beside the road toward toward toward to to- ward a sign that loomed In the flue cen en I Itel ter tel The black giant glun designated fluted us Ul Tiny flay swung the mules off the road rond and ond headed for the sign The fhe three wa wagons ons were drawn up some fifteen Of- Of teen yards apart In the shape of a n trl trl- the wales mules unhitched and given ghen givena ghena a feed of ot grain from nose bags hags tied to the wagons und and supplied with bales hay Tiny walked over and viewed the sign Squatter dont don't let sunset find you her here he read Its about that time tune now he tie ob oh s served squinting over Ills his shouter shoulder Hd be a mistake to leave leu evidence like thin that around He Ue tore ture down the sign und and worked It Into firewood filewood with un lUI use ux Now they cant can't do du nothing to 0 us Jor Jar drifting In here by error he remarked to his Ills companions It wouldn't be he fair In lu the morning the three wagons lumbered cred on Near sunset they passed another sign where the Three Bar ur road branched brunched ot off otT to the left Tiny pulled up the mules Uproot that flint little beauty If Husse usseL he se advised ud Were IVere getting close to W home house The haired carrot guard descended und and threw his weight against the sign working It Ir from side to side until the posts were loosened ID Iu the tile ground pried It up and ond loaded It on the wagon agon Quick work Hu Russ Kubs the big tuna man complimented cOIll d I For or u tittle little sawed oil runt runt youre you're real reul spry and active He tie clucked to the mules arid and they s settled steadily Into the he collars and moved on ou to the Three Bur Bar The Three Bar ilar men viewed the freighters curiously ly us they swung the mule lUul team In front of ur the blacksmith black blacksmith smith shop noted n the rule rille In the hands ot of each guard und and a 8 second one In ea easy reach of each euch driver er They knew what this portended The rue freighters hud hind stripped ofT off the wagon sheel sheet lashed across the tue top cup ol of o each load Joad und null the Three Bar user men moved cli II toward ro I the he wagons curious to u view the contents c You Yuu buys butI g get gel 1 to is knowing each cud nth oth other er cr linn Is suld said The lIle lIl e mule tiers uel's will be he hanging out ut at tile the Th Thief rhea e. e Bar ut from now on All down the lie line Hue the Three Bar By Barmen users men were getting acquainted with tin the freighters A thuu thousand aud pounds tJI o ot of I oats were ross tossed fobbed d from Ih he the top till oi ut the Ih wagon wagun said and when the concealing sorbs sacks were cleared 11 suavity uway WU th there Ie were avers three heavy plows showing under underneath neath the h spaces between HI them III nilet i with antis shining shilling lulls of fence wire Ire Lh nu hiss load d ol ul u a dismantled drill ill u crate oi ut long i handled shovels els and und tissue moie barbed hurd wire the rhe thud held helda a rake raLe and sad a u mowing machine moi wire kegs ot of fence fene staples und anti u 1 dozen en Turks lurks The Three e Bui Ilan will be tie the tie III middle h r I VI I point III of lit u a cyclone Moore bluer prophesied 1 us as he lie viewed cleaved the Implements Just Jusius Justas I us liS boon lib its this leaks out We let i lied our c cyclone O openers with wills us Buss assured hi situ him III Let Ler her het hush buck From the he shack cook dour door the tile girt gir ill viewed II these thes preparations then fliers turned her eyes ees to III the thc Hal lIat and und It with a is carpet carpel ol of rippling hay bay i TO D BB RB CONTINUED |