Show Most Disastrous F Fire re In History Of This County Early Monday morning on the thelast thelast thelast last day of the of-the the year the alarm of fire tire was sounded and nd the bell rung to call out the citizenry as the Delta High School was found to be in flames flam The rhe entire building was burned with almost nothing of value saved other than a few desks some armfuls armfuls armfuls arm- arm fuls of books and some som of the boys boy's band instruments The cause of tho the fire Is not as yet definitely known Had Delta had a a. hook and ladder equipment much more could have ve been saved It brings up again the tha theold old matter of fire fighting Insurance was carried to the full extent permissible In a locality without without without with with- out fire fighting means and as the remainder of the loss will fall all on the county It will prove to bo be a heavy blow no matter what the exact summay sum summy summay may my be found to be The building cost approximately ly There will be a great deal of confusion confusion confusion con con- fusion rn to getting the students placed In other buildings or other schools until this building can be made fit again for occupancy The Inconvenience inconvenIence inconvenience crowding doubling up and the call on the teachers for added time has been nobly met with a spirit spir spir- it to help In the difficulty Extra hours have been demanded on tho th teachers the First Ward Meetinghouse Meeting Meetinghouse Meetinghouse house domestic science class In the vant Hotel and by doubling doubling doubling doub doub- ling up on the time with longer hours In the Grade School they will I get bu as best they can This Is a staggering fire the fire the largest largest largest lar lar- gest in monetary loss of any we have had Five business blocks burned when the Lincoln Theatre fire red the old First National Building went up the A. A C. C Nelson School was consumed by fire fire but but this exceeds any rny ny of those If this Insurance loss is then the loss oss to insurance companies in n thelast the thelast last ast sixteen years In and Immediately immediate immediate- ly Iy y around our district will exceed This Is s reflected In high insurance rates which must be fixed on a bouble bauble basis charge for no firefighting fire fighting apparatus and higher rates to o mend the deficit of losses There are many rumors afloat as cs aso asto to o the of the fire but none of them hem will wUl be he mentioned In this paper paper pa- pa per er until officially determined by thoss in authority The Insurance was about The he building cost from to Some of the in the domestic do- do lestic room was earned by bythe bythe the he classes and th the management of at tho the cafeteria a a loss no doubt not recoverable In the Insurance The Tho ten ers jers ers responded very vary ry nobly to a call on them for added time inconvenience in- in convenience of hours and quarters in order to facilitate the task of con- con school under the adverse conditions They deserve mention of or this fact I |