Show Good Proportions for Boar for Next Spring Anyone Intending to buy a boar to sire the next nett spring pl pig crop will be bewell bewell well yell repaid for a n little care In selecting selecting select select- In ing ing him Buy one that will 11 sire pigs with the time necessary constitution and feeding ability to make a good start toward pound market marlet hogs An Anun un undersized scrawny boar cannot be expected to sire pigs that will WIl WIlbe be beI I vigorous orous an and amid good doers The boar should be he large IlIre for his a age e wI wide e and deep have ha plenty of hone and stan stanon stand standon on nn straight legs Ils with strong feet and md pasterns i He lIe e must also he be smooth Will well proportioned from flom end to end and of the right t type ll |