Show DEATH O OF MRS HARRISON OCCURS ON SAME DAY FOUR YEARS AFTER HUSBANDS HUSBAND'S Mrs Sarah Isabelle Garden Gardon Harrison Harrison Harrison Har Har- rison died at her home In Sutherland on Christmas Day Dec 1928 just four years to a day following the death of her husband who died al almost almost almost al- al most instantly on making a Christmas Christmas Christmas Christ Christ- mas call to a neighbor In 1924 Harrison was born barn In Marsh Mar- Mar sh Iowa May 3 1868 She he Is 2 survived by two sisters Mrs Beale of Dye Nebraska and Mrs Orchard of Portland both of at whom were present present present pres pres- ent at the funeral services and by her son Ray with whom she had been living The speakers at the services were Dewey Sanford Parley Johnson and Bishop G George G-eorge orge J. J Jackson |