Show r P DAIRY Tj PR PREVENT VENT LOSS BY I r CLEAN HANDLING f Souring Is Caused by BacI Bacteria Bacteria Bac Bac- teria After I Milking Clean lean production prompt cooling and frequent deliveries will 11 prevent pre the souring of milk and put dollars dol lars In the pockets of dalr dairy farmers TUN This souring is caused by hy bacteria t Int Into the milk after aftel It Is la drawn n awn i m in III fI the time cow and can only onh be prevented b by the time mo most t careful han mandling man ban s Says s John A A. A AI Arey extension dairyman da at North orth Carolina State col col- lee Jre When rhen first the row cow milk mill contains very r f few few few- If If in of the bacteria bac hac- teria feria anI and the contamination comes conies from outside so sor sources r j i among those these are the CO cows cow's y Iod body the hands of oi the person doing time the milking the theair theair air ni- and the time containers Mr 11 Arey states that all ull of the sources somes can be eliminated by seeing I that the lice cows cow's Hanks flanks and and ud udder er are I thoroughly cleaned before re milking that the minds hinds ore are clean and 1 that all nil vessels or or containers have e been cleaned and sterilized These e containers sho should ld first be he rinsed in lukewarm wa water er and then scrubbed with a n heavy henvy bl brush sh In water to which has hns been added n a stron strong al- al Kall 1 solution They should then be sterilized with steam live steam or some chemical made for tor that purpose All utensils In which the seams seamS' are not well ell flushed with solder should be avoided as these cr r are hard to clean and furnish a a harboring place for bacteria The Time milk should be cooled as soon as ns possible Jle after milking placed In the containers in which It Is to be delivered delta delta- ered and stored in a n refrigerator or cooling tank Only by taking these precautions can nn the dairyman prevent the milk from souring and be sure of ot delivering pure sweet milk to the market mar mar- ket states Mr r. r Arey |