Show RW JIu FLASHLIGHT BIG AID IN CULLING i Shows Many fany Loafers Among I Layers in ill Hen Flock Literally catching the loafers IOl napping napping nap nap- ping is an nu excellent method of culling the tho poultry Mock flock If the culling process proc proc- s c-s ess S 'S is can led on from frum roam week to week Extension specialists In poultry at nt the time OI-Io OI State Stute university suggest that the weekly culling may muy bo he done very vcrs conveniently with a flashlight when the birds are me on the roost nt at night Birds showing ln shriveled combs or molt omit or ha haIn having In empty empt crops crop should be culled cullell Absence of yellow ellow pigment Is ms Isone one rue of t the time Ind Indications of n u good pro It mn may h be un under r a n flashlight to determine the coloring of the e 1 Ins ll's curll vent beak benk and shanks If rr there Is doubt the time birds cm un be bl Isolated nn and examined IlIn h by da daylight The lime heavy l' l egg producers ers will wl lacy hll lo lost t yellow ellow color from the hod body pa lIlII mi mentioned en If oiled How Ilov Hower However ever er time the color will wl should the him bh d CPI ise to tn III lay In time the low in producer th the coral comb Is pale mind III the vent is isi isi i J i lIow nod dry I E Kves yes es are small and shrunken turning In lu toward th the beck Shanks are yellow round and und full time the pelvic l bones bOlle close together together to to- gether haul and rigid Space Spare between between be he- tween the pelvic bones and the breast breastbone breastbone bone is shallow v or 01 full of ut hard fat fat The rime skin slin is thick mind with fat Time The gird bird is generally narrow v across the time rums ribs and hips and the bod body I is shallow and round |