Show 4 r L. L I A VIEW OF THE TIlE OUTLOOK FOR FOIL 1929 aIn a In In Ili Inthe the nation the auto business is good Manufacturers dono do dono dono no no feel that the saturation point has been reached They are not ilot curtailing Mergers have been effected but for but for economys economy's sal sake e not lack of oL business Competition i eliminated by those manipulations of big business and the small fry which might I cut prices and upset the schedule are pushed out The r dio business is good Never better And itis of vast extent It stands on a good footing no slump an and andis is not suffering suffering suf suf- fering any depression We Ve passed through a presidential year without a panic Admit Admit Admit Ad Ad- mit that there was a very 51 slight ight slowing stowing up a gathering of the reins in hand to control the team of business bu but no appreciable slowing up of the pac pace The government is bt building l ing war ships The big Boulder Dam wil be built which has a local phase of benefit around us Faro Fain relief is in the air and what it will vIiI shape its itself lf into in ill an au actual measure measure- no one as yet knows but a of farm products markets is hoped for better selling with less absorption ab absorption absorption ab- ab sorption between producer and consumer r The State of Utah is on a firm firm- foundation just foundation just little peculations peculations peculations pec pec- to fill the opposite political party with joy to see the stench stencil ari arise c from the camp of its opponents But in all it will willbe willbe willbe be made good and again we s sail il on Salt Lake City prospering now a a big brother in indeed in- in indeed deed aeed And willing to lend us a helping hand handon on on good security Los Angeles reaching out opt to buy our butter our beef our sheep being a ready market for any aily and add all ll of our surplus Either up state or way prosperity and with ample means to lend us money when and and as needed provided we are okey and put up the margin of security Having laying reviewed the nation the state and our neighbors it will be necessary to talk about ourselves s. s More 1 cows being milked every month more men with weekly and not dependent upon a one one- one crop roIl gotten yearly And even though we had three bank failures a factory move Tway and a disastrous fire yet the spirit to fight it out is not quenched and we can still face the music Business firms are on a a. stable footing strength to see it through to another production time a bank treading with due clue caution on sh sheep p and cattle market marl satisfactory hay selling and also chaff and pasture pastur rights No great sickness ness no great sorrow sor sor- row So heave sail for fair weather w-eather and drift along with the calm unit the wind picks s up again this fall faIl and and- then try it over again We Ve are under close observation as as to th outcome of our problem problem lem in settlement of our drainage matter and it is much too earl ear early ear ear- l ly r to make maIm any predictions We Ve hope for th the best In the mean time ne while awaiting another crop let us wish for ample water water for for therein is our ur very life blood and sinew Given fertile land provided with enough water I by deterrents other than our own making malting we can and will wiggle wiggle wig wig- gle through and get by in some manner So The Chronicle wishes the communities it serves A Happy New Year Prosperous to us all as much as can be expected Paper o out t of corn stalks It is a triumph h of science and manufacturing man man- ring ingenuity And helps the farm ferm An Ann unexpected measure A literary Clit critic c says that all new books area are forgotten within a a year year even even those borrowed I GUY A Aman man may be hen pecked at home but still not afraid fraid of chickens when away from his wife When a a. a girl has nothing to wear she wears it |