Show Food Supply Assured Fish in Hatcheries Visitors to the Lakeside park at nt Fort Wayne lad Ind might reason be led to believe that hint the colored floodlights about the water had been Installed lied to add to the natural beauty beauty beau beau- ty of the park but there Is more to the story The underlying motive e for forthe forthe forthe the lights Is la that In the five la lagoons of the lake latH are fish of many kinds and sizes for the lake Is used as a hatchery by local fishermen Fish must be fed and they prefer But Dut a hatchery with Its conc conce population needs an nn extra abundance of insects above c and antI In the water vater if all the finny denizens are to have their appetites appeased And hence the lights to lure the Insects to their destruction About these lamps fountains foun have hn ben been Installed and the two make an effective combination for forthe forthe forthe the automatic feeding of the fish populating pop the 1 lake al e. e Insects are lured by the light and dashing Into the stream of water are ore carried down to the fish The scheme works very ery successfully and Incidentally rids the vicinity of ot n goodly number of annoying annoy annoy- annoying ing pests |