Show 4 4 I. I Ch Chronology rono I og i i c 4 of the Year 4 i 1928 c p 4 Compiled by hy 4 4 14 f E. E W. W PICKARD I 1 DOMESTIC Jan Z President Z President Coolidge held bl big New New eV Tears Tear's Years reception In White Houst Jan Tan 4 Three f-Three bod bodI If If a taken from sunken submarine S S-f. Assistant Secretary of War Hanford resigned and President aPpointed appointed ap pointed Cot Col Charles B. B RobbIng Robbin of or Iowa to succeed him Jan 8 8 Mr and Mrs MrA Mr A. A A D. D Lasker gave e to University of ChicagO Chica Chicago Chi Chi- ca cago o for medical research Seventeen bodies bodie taken from wreck of or the S 4 Identified Jan 11 Mexican II-Mexican Mexican documents published pub pub- by Hearst papers paper declared by y senate Inv Investigating committee to o De DC el Fifteen more bodies taken from wreck of tho the S S-f Jan 12 12 Democrats selected Hous ous ton tOh Texas for their national convention convention conven conven- tion ton and set June 26 for Its Is opening Mrs Mr Ruth Snyder and Henry J Gray electrocuted In Sing Sinn Sing for murd murder r of or womans woman's husband Jan inn 13 President 33 President and Mrs Mr CoolIdge and party left let Washington for Cor Havana Cuba Jan 19 Senate 19 1 Senate adopted resolution declaring vacant the seat ceat of oC Senator- Senator Elect EJect Frank L. L L Smith of or Illinois President Coolidge o returned to WashIngton Wah- Wah Wash In Ington ton from Crom Cuba Tan Jan 20 20 President President Coa Cosgrave rave of or I Irish Free tree State arrived In New Nework York ork Jan 23 23 President President Cos Cosgrave rave of Ireland Ireland Irelnd Ire Ire- land called on President e and ond other officials A. A A P Giannini San Francisco banker bank bank- er pr er gave ave to University of oC California Jan XI Senate U-Senate Senate passed Jones bill bl for I continuation of oC government go owned and operated merchant marine Feb 3 Senate 3 Senate arrested Robert Hobert W Stewart Standard Oil 01 of Indiana official om- om cia cial tor for refusal to answer certain Q questions 1 In Teapot t Dome I Inquiry n Feb 10 Senate 10 S Senate fo o adopted g d dI resolution r t 0 n opposing third term for Cor President Feb 12 Herbert 12 Herbert 1 Herbert Hoover announced lila bis Presidential candidacy by entering the Ohio primaries Feb 15 SerIate Senate Senate called caled for Invest public utilities b by trade con com con con- Tn mission Feb 16 Gov 16 Gov Ed Jackson of Indiana freed of bribery charges chanes bemuse because of or statute of or limitations Senate ordered est In Investigation aton of ot coa I mining conditions In Pennsylvania West Virginia lnla and Ohio Feb 20 20 PresIdent President appointed Representative tentative W W. R R. Green of or Iowa as al of court of or claims Feb 21 H 21 H 21 H 1 F P. Sinclair H U. M Da Day W. W J. J Burns and W W. S. S Burns urns rOi found ld guilty ully of or criminal contempt of ot court in oil 01 scandal case by Justice of or District of or Columbia Supreme court Naval court Inquiry placed blame cour for S. S S-i S disaster on commanders of at submarine and destroyer Paulding Feb 23 ra 23 House na naval val affairs commIttee committee commit commit- tee scrapped the administration navy program substituting a bill calling for bil fifteen cruisers cruiser and one aircraft carrier car ru ncr rier within six years vears March 2 Grand 2 Grand jury lury Indicted Col Cal R It W V Stewart for contempt of or senate senate sen sen- ate atc In connection with Dome oil 01 ease case Sen te Ie pasted bill bi for registration of lobbyists ton tonof S Senator Walsh of ot Idaho entered ieno ien tlc r race for Tor Presidential nomInation nom nom- March 16 Hodman 16 Rodman Wanamaker's Wanamakers will wil provided for for trade school as memorial to his father Cather Sen Senate le rejected reappointment of ot John J. J Esch of or Wisconsin to Inter- Inter Interstate state commerce commission f arch 17 louse 1 House 17 House passed naval bill 1 providing for 16 15 cruisers cruiser end one plane carrier March M ch 21 Chicago 21 Z Chicago school board found Superintendent McAndrew guilty of ot Insubordination and ousted him March Manh 26 Revised 26 Revised McNary McNary-Haugen farm relief rele bill bil reported favorably fa by bv En house agriculture committee March 27 House 27 House passed bill 27 bl printing for Cor naval con con- March Marci 28 Senate 28 Senate passed Jones bill Jonel appropriating for Cor flood bi March So George 30 George Remus Hemus former boote K ye M king and nd slayer of or his wife In n n wie wu y oc u uj v niu u or Appeals Senate confirmed all al pending appointments appointments appoint- appoint ments mentI to radio commission l March ch 31 Arthur 31 Arthur 3 Arthur H U II or of Grand V Rapids appointed senator from Ferris Michigan to fill 01 out terra term of or Government completed purchase ot of Cape Cod canal canal April Apri 5 Cyrus S-Cyrus Cyrus Locher of or Cleveland Ve i senator enSor from Ohio ohl Ohio to fill out term terni of or la late te fJ Sena Senator tor Willis upheld 8 9 United States Supreme court April validity of or flexible tariff law Apri Senate 12 passed McNary farm relief rele bin bill bl April I SocialIst 16 lion tion Apri nominated i Norman national convention conven- conven Thomas for and James H Maurer for Ice tice President April Apri 21 Harry F. F Sinclair ted hd by tory fury in Teapot Dome acquit acqui- acqui conspiracy case April 24 24 House Apri passed b bi III flood control Avri April Senate 25 Passed the na naval a appropriation bill ton bi after arter defeating de- de amendments attacking K Preal- Preal de l In Nicaragua r April Senate 30 s Senate af ordered ead an of 01 Presidential ii II nd campaign ex cx- farm May relief House a bill bi the Hau en May Mav 4 4 Senator 4 Senator T J. J Walsh drew H. H I. I candidate for Democratic withdrew with with- wih- wih Democratic Pi evidential nomination Mae Mav 5 flous 5 I Hous Houst passed White bill to e Max Mason the merchant merChant marine bi resigned as of of Chicago o. o ot of T 7 government passed bill bil raising Day oay May lay Senate 9 Da Passed sed employees flood bill bi mod modified to avoid a veto food control atay Ji y S 'S Senate 10 bill bil to service tc promotion 8 avat tem em May President 16 16 Coolidge relief rele bill bi signed Ia lay I Senate IS-Senate S- S enate V voted ted full publicity tor for ta tax returns ful v ay Senate 21 passed finance nane bill cutting taxes o bil May 22 ay House 22 House overrode veto of f postal pay raise bill fr President t eifa May 23 President 23 President Coolidge 0 ge voi th tilt c Haugen en farm relief vetoed 51 bill May 3 Congress 25 Con bi Con res resa Dass passed J r he the M Mu Shoals bill bi and the houle house passed the rhe votes Boulder am bill bi Senate tailed d by bv 4 LO o pass farm larm relief veto rele bill hi OVE over May 26 House 26 Houf House and senate approved approve conference report of ot bill taxes not COO roo bi reducing Ing stay ay Boulder 4 a X Dam a adjourned lea v. v bill bil unfinished busl busi- neiM nei before the f senate nale President t 1 tax r May Mav redia dulton bill 30 bli M 30 Coolidge CO Memorial dav day addre at Cedar northern May Mav President 31 3 Island Wisconsin oc on Brule river House se lP summer Whit wiIt June l 7 Coolidge Shoals bill die let without bil a approval J veto or June JUle and 13 Sirs Mr Ild CoolIdge left for lef Wisconsin aseep June June Jun H Herbert 14 Herbert alp Hooves Hoove J-Hfrbert J for n nc nominated by Republican n convention conven- conven tion ton June n n Kanta Kansas City bated 15 convention torn Senator Cleric President Curtla Curt for Vies June Jun 7 Governor 7 ol 01 Mary Mary- Ird rom Democratic Aar Prep Pres rae s In favor of or Al AI Smith Jun Jun hlo c Supreme court n trea Remus wire wife from In asylum June Jun Jun 21 Secretary of 01 the tit interior Hubert nubert C. C Work made chairman of Republican national committee June Juno 28 28 Gov Al AI Smith of or New Now York nominated for President by Democratic Democrat Democrat- ic Ie convention In n Houston outon Tune 29 Senator 29 2 Senator Joseph T. T Robinson of Arkansas nominated by Democratic Democrat Democrat- ic io convention for Vice VIo President July 4 4 Independence 4 enre day accidents In United States Statu caused death of persons July 6 Secretary 6 6 of of the Interior Work named board of or engineers to study Boulder canyon dam project July 7 Secretary 7 of Commerce loov- loov tr Sr sent his resignation to President f. Coolidge July 10 Prohibition 10 10 and ond Farmer La Farmer I. bor bar national conventions opened orned In Chicago July 11 ohn l-ohn John 11 John J. J Raskob of or Delaware elected chairman of Democratic na national na- na tonal committee Labor Farmer party nominated Sentor Sentor Sentor Sen- Sen tor Norris for President and Will Wi Vereen Vereen Ver Ver- een of or Georgia for Vice President President bothof botn both of or whom declined July 12 Prohibition 32 12 party nom nomi- William WIlam Varney of ot New York for or Pre President and James Jame A A. Id I'd erto of or Virginia for Vice President July 20 Roy 20 Roy O. O West of Chicago appointed appointed ap ap- appointed ap- ap pointed secretary of ot the Interior July 22 22 Capt 22 Capt Charles Collyer Colyer and nd John Mears Mear completed tour of globe In IP record time of or 23 days and 15 hours July 24 John 24 John J J. J Raskob Democrat Democratic national chairman severed his bis connection connee- connee tion ton with wih General Genera Motors July 28 28 President President Coolidge spoke at su dedication of or monument to Col William H Wil WIl- liam lam Colvill Civil Civi war hero bero at Cannon Fa Falls Falla Js Minn I Aug 13 snore snip 0 man mal ae service ervice established h sa d-sa at New e Jr York k Aug 15 15 President President Coolidge e approved report of or board of en engineers on MIl Mis Mis- Hood tood control Au Aug 17 SecretarY 17 Secretary of ot State Kellogg Kelogg departed treaty for Paris to sign war anti war ant Reuben Clark of 01 Utah appointed under un un- un der secretary of or state estate Au Aug 21 W 21 W 1 F F. Whiting of HOlyoke Mals Mass paper manufacturer appointed secretary of or commerce und and nd sworn In Au Aug 26 26 Drector 26 Director of or the Budget Lord estimated the treasury treasur deficit for this fiscal year vear would be h 94 Sept 4 4 Mrs Florence Knapp former form 1 secreta secretary ry of or state te of or New rew York convicted convicted con con- of or embezzlement of If state funds fund sentenced sentenCed to 30 da days davs s 's in lall lail Sept Sept 10 10 Republicans am won Maine state election electon by heavy Sept 11 John 11 John l-John John son 01 ot Prel President ent be bean behan an work as clerk for New Hn Haven yen iU railroad ilond Sept 12 President 12 I President and Mrs Mrs Coolidge Cool Cool- idge returned to Washington Sept Sept 19 Annual I-Annual Annual meeting of or the G G. A. A A. A R. R n opened In Denver Sept Sept oDene 21 21 Jhn John Reese Heese elected commander com corn mander In chief chef of or the G G. A. A R. R R Sept Sept 39 oJ 3 3 Col C. C c A. A A Lindbergh Charles Evans Iu Hughes h and Dr F. F M A Chapman ornithologist lt awarded Roosevel Roosevelt Roose Roose- veIl velt vel medals for distinguished service Oct 3 3 Chicago Chiago Sanitary District opened new sewage disposal disposal dis dies plant best in world Oct Oct 6 Navy 6 Navy department let ron con contracts ron tracts or tor two hU huge e dirigibles Oct Oct 8 8 8 Le Legion lon convention opened In San Antonio United Spanish War Veterans Veteran met In Havana Cuba Tta sS Supreme court upheld right of or Canadians to cross the borde bords' to vork In states Oct 10 10 Triennial Triennial convention ol ot ton Episcopal church opened In Washing Oct 11 Paul lI-Paul Paul I-Paul Paul V McNutt McNut of ot Indiana elected national commander Commander of or Amerlean Amerlean Amer Amer- lean can Le Legion on Oct Oct Attorney 16 IC Attorney General Sargen Saren ruled Sinclair's Sinclair Salt Sail Creek Sai oil field ron non tracts Invalid 01 feld Oct Oct 19 19 19 Battlefields National p park Ir I Virginia dedicated President Coolidge e sD speaking Oct flet 20 Congressional ZO-Congressional medal pre to Thomas A A. Edison bv by President Preal- Preal dent Coolidge Nov 6 Hoover 6 Hoover and Curtis url henna elected President and Vice lee President of or United States Slates receiving 44 electoral vo votes s to 87 for Cor Smith and arId Robinson Democrats Arkansas vot voted for forlaw law to prohibit teaching of or evolution In tax supported schools Nov 12 Walter 1 Waiter 12 Walter Olson of ot Rio Hlo Ill 11 won national corn champion ship al Fowler Ind Nov 19 United 19 19 United State States Supreme court upholding 3 a New York law de de- de the Ku Klux klan un an undesirable able or organization President-Elect President Hoover sailed from San Ped Pedro FO for Cor will wl tour tou sled r of Latin America Lalu Nov 20 Robert 20 Robert W Stewart oil 01 tate nate acquitted acquited of perjury In Teapot Dome Iome case cae by Jury In Washington ton Engineers' Engineers commission lon reported to President nt Coolidge e that cost estimates estimate ot of Boulder Dam project were 40 too low Jow Nov No 26 Elect 26 Hoover made stops at Honduras and ond L La Union Salador Salvador Annual report of ot governor of Alaska showed decrease In fishing and mining industries of the territory Nov 27 27 27 Mr Hoover at St Nov 28 28 28 Mr Hoover visited San Jose Costa Rica Rca En Engagement of ot Florence Trumbull to John Coolidge announced Km Nov 29 Secretary 29 Secretary of or Commerce Whiting In annual report told of or great rea prosperity of country Dec 1 Hoover I-Hoover Hoover visited Ecuador Estelle Manville Manvle e of or New York married mar- mar ned ried to Count Folke Bernadotte nephew of or king of Sweden De Dec 3 Short 3 Short session of or congress opened Dec 4 President I-PresIdent Dee CoolIdge's es e's message was read to con congress ress message Dec 5 er 5 hoover 5 Hoover welcomed by great cr crowds cr's Dec s 7 fI House 7 at House Callao passed and oe Lima I dolia billon-dolia II Peru Ireat olar treasury and post office supply bill I Dee bi DeC Hoover 10 received In Val Val- and Santa Santiago o Chie Chile Dec Hoover 13 welcomed to Buenos Aires Argentina De Dee 17 Hoover 17 Hoover M. M spent a day In Montevideo Ulu Uruguay Dee Dec Hoover 18 Hoover 1 saied sailed for Rio d de Janeiro on U S. S S S. S S Utah Ro INTERN INTERNATIONAL A Jan Mr 2 2 states marines defeated de- de Nicaraguan uan rebels rebel In l two dave p ba battle tte 1 at t Qu Ial Jan ain Pope lU-Pope Pope Plus Pius XI issued ena en en- encyclical cyclical a of or f Ft all rejecting C Christian the movement foe foi Jan 1 churches Pan 16 opened 1 1 77 conference JM In Havana a Cuba with wh bv by Pr Presidents CrUs Coolie Coolidge e and Machado ia Jan 24 t Rumania 4 Rumania and Italy bew conference on formation of bloc blo of ot southern European nations Jan 26 United 26 United States Slates marines In Nicaragua captured sandino Sandino's a ai an strong hold at lt El EI strODA Jan Germany 29 and Lithuania signer arbitration treaty Jan n pan American I i I Mexico Mexico's plan for con congress reorganize resl reI re re- tion ton ot of r ran Pan union Feb 6 New 6 New Franco-American Franco arhl- arhl and W treaty si signed ned on 0 one hundred fiftieth anniversary of or sIgning of ot f e Crat treaty by bv the two tWI nations Feb Fob 10 to to-PIan Plan to make Pan Pan-Amerl Pan American union n Rn an Am American h league ague n of or nations defeated In the Havana aluE nalon tit conference Radiophone service between lea ica Am Amr r and GerIan Germany opened F Feb b 13 Pan 13 Pan American con congress rel tur ned down Ar Argentinas Argentina's demand for declaration t i walls wall De be iween American republics 1 wil bE Feb Feh United United State |