Show x i r SOUTH DELTA 1 Miss Rose Young of Salt Lake Lako Is visiting her sisters and Persis perais Per- Per Perais ais sis Young Mr and Mrs Jack Daly of Tooele spent pent Christmas with Mrs Dalys Daly's parents Mr and Mrs Levi Lev H. H Me Mc u Miss Given Ghen Ross and anti Mr air cecil toss 1098 entertained for eighteen guests on Saturday evening Mr and Mrs James Bullock had for their dinner guests Friday evening evenIng evening even even- ing Mr and anel Mrs Lorenzo H. H Chrls- Chrls Mr and Mrs George Church and nd Mr and Mrs J. J P. P Callister Miss Bessie Dessle Dee Deo Manning spent the week end In Tooele the guest of Mrs Jack Daly A childrens children's dance was held at 1 o'clock on Now Years Year's Day at t the e eWard Ward Hall hail Levi Lev Me Mc Cullough has gone to Tooele to work Marcella Sampson is on tho the sick list |