Show 1 DESERE DESEn tl DOJ DOINGS WS I Ehl Elder Ray Elder r. r Ray C C. C Moody returned returned d home Monday after atter spending thirty five i months mouths in the French mission Following Following Fol Fol- lowing his release In September heI he ho I spent three months touring the various var var- ious var-ious I ious fous counties Italy France Switz Switzerland erland Belgium Holland and Eng Eng- land He sailed Nov from Southhampton Southampton on the tho S. S S. S S George Washington arriving in New York Dec He remained there a week and then visited in ashington D. D C. C en i route ute tu to Salt SnIt Lake He reports the time as ns being very profitably spent Mrs Jos S. S Black mack is spending the holidays with her children in Los Angeles Mrs May 1 Petty and family came down from Saturday to attend a a family dinner given at the home of Mrs Petty's Pettys parents Mr and Mrs Irs John R R. R Bennett There were thirtyfour thirtyfour thir thir- ty four members members present Miss 1 Neva Cropper Mrs Juno I Black mack Amelia Amalia Black mack and Don Moody were Salt I 1 Lake aka ake visitors this week Mr and firs Airs Frank Black Dlack are log ing a new W Chevrolet Sedan Miss 1 Inez Ine Croft Is here from Provo Provo Provo Pro- Pro vo visiting and relatives Mr and and aud Mrs Leigh Allred recently recent recent- ly returned from a visit with Mrs Allreds parents at Venice Since their return they have had as guests Mr Edgar Cropper of Midvale l and Dr Hurst of Logan who spent a d day y with some of the sportsmen of the town hunting geese A large crowd was in attendance at it the services Sunday ev evening where an interesting program was given Ray Ray y C. C Moody and Mary Crafts who is home from the B B. B Y U. U were the he speakers Music was wro w rendered by Wanda and Patty and brother Cleo of Nephi Mr and Mrs Jack Carson were rere surprised sur sur- by a n number of friends who sur I called ailed at their home Wednesday ev ev- ev- ev ening An oyster supper was served i followed by games Joseph W. W Damron of Salt Lake made made- madea a short visit last week Miss Norma No-ma Moody bloody and mother Mrs J. J M. M Moody returned last week froom room a months visit in Salt Lake and Provo |