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Show Continental Oil Wins Praise for Advertising Program Safer automobiles for safer driving is the main objective of Continental Oil Company's summer sum-mer advertising program, which begins today in the Iron County Record. Conoco's advertising will contain con-tain a list , of safe-driving tips compiled by the National Safety Council. Commenting on the safety-first theme of the company's com-pany's summer campaign, Paul Jones, National Safety Council director of public information, recently re-cently stated: "The need for spreading the gospel of safety is becoming more urgent year after year, con- sldprlnfT that mnrp rwnno mora 0 f killed in automobile accidents last year than were killed in the Korean War. We feel that Continental Oil company is to be congratulated for undertaking a program of this sort." Continental's advertisements, which will appear in 1,029 newspapers, news-papers, will urge car owners to take their cars to Conoco service ser-vice stations for safety checkups, check-ups, in which tires, lights,. batteries, bat-teries, cooling systems and other parts commonly causing unsafe driving conditions will be checked check-ed without cost to car owners. Newspapers will again serve as the main force of Continental's Continen-tal's advertising plans, and this program will be supplemented by point of-purchase advertising at service stations operated by mor than 30,000 dealers, it was said. |