Show 1 U UTAH AH LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR I SENATE Bills Bill Pad jH H HB B 15 Highways and aeronautics aeronautics aeronautics tics committee To committed To correct defects In In road bill passed by the 1947 session S B 11 Fowles Day Day To To set up annual fund of 1500 for Spanish Spanish- American war veterans S B 26 To T provide for tor property tax exemption for tor disabled war veterans their widows and dependent ent children S B 27 Lamoreau et ct al To aU-To To ap ap- for tor summer tea fes Uval a and d presentation of f Proa sed isec Valley Vailey Centennial mUI production J H 11 HB B 17 17 Appropriations co appropriate 70 tee TO tee ro t tH workshop for tor blind H HB B 20 Clark Clark TO To permIt Jenkins to withdraw L automo 1 Mormon Meteor ill in from CIP for or speed trials In 1949 11 C 1 2 Lunt et al aO ins Ing Copper Corp E officials for tor faith shown In Ut utah J industrial future as I decision to build copper renD plant in Salt Lake valley L J H J 3 M 2 Feltch et al- al al Ne congress and P continue flight training 1 under G. G 1 L bill of rights rj i Bills Bill RUled Killed 4 et al PrO 1 in J Juse constitutional amendment use of sales and use taX u to welfare and related p TUX TIlE HOUSE Bills Bill Fa rued n f Holbrook S B 23 Utah's welfare laws r TI Amending blanket liens for tor old 10 quiring residence TI Recipients recipients inserting and fur tur current and YOI for tor succeeding fiscal year VoL 2 DavIs To aU-To rill HB 18 Dav ci t IB MB property td f It I disabled veterans v ViJf val Vi l emption up to of Jf property Vote 0 52 f J Bill Bills Introduced H J R 6 Stevens amendment to constitutional lend its credit to T ye nit mit state date to e Ald ana IP r crans erans for tor small amaH purchases |