Show Expert to Plan On Auditorium An expert g group on c civic audi audi- construction and operation has been asked to assist Salt Lake City pity In Jn a a 3 survey of f wh what t type o ot of structure this this' community needs Thomas Thomas homas T. T Taylor Tas chairman o oan of an exec executive Uve committee for the proposed municipal auditorium an flounced Thursday a consulting board lioard of the International Association Association tion of Auditorium 10 Man Managers an a age g e rs would be employed to make the thees es estimate The The board he said is made u up P of ot persons persons eng engaged in operation o ot of civic auditoriums in in North America America Amer- Amer ica and Salt Lake Lak City s should benefit by their advice in construction construe tion of oCa a a needed much-needed center here of the s seven member Salt Lake group grou f. f investigating how such mch an auditorium c can n be established established established here followed l a meeting Wednesday at S. S Main Mrs L L. Brockbank w was s elected vice chairman of the committee at ath that h t meeting and Miss Olga Alexa Alexandria Alexandria Alex Alex- a andria was wa c secretary tary |