Show Expert Tells Growers Chick Handling Hints I i Techniques in feeding and management management management man man- of baby chickens which have been beck developed at the Utah State Agricultural college arc are being beIng being be be- ing explained to in Salt Lake count county in a 25 series aeries of ot I four lectures lectures' s b by b Dr Lawrence Morris U USA S A C G extension poultry poultry- m man 0 Meetings were held neld Wednesday afternoon in Murray at 8 p. p pm p.m. in Midvale an and J are to toe be e held Thurs Thurs- Thursday Thursday day at 2 pm p.m. in the Riverton S Second Second Sec Sec- cond c- c ond Church of Jet J us Christ of Latter-day Latter Saints chapel and at 8 S pm p.m. in the Draper school house The two p points ints being stressed by Dr Morris in hr his s talks talks are arc proper brooder brander temperatures and the thc importance im Ini- of feeding during the early period Raisers should start with a brooder temp temperature of 90 to 95 and keep the brooder room cool instead of of- warm after the first week This tends to make the i chicks chicles grow more mor uniformly Dr Morris pointed out started The chicks should get on a good starter mash and chick sized scratch cratch grain sprinkled grain sprinkled on top of ot the mash for tor the thc first three or four days This Thi will e encourage the chic chicks s to o start eating eating- more readily and will reduce digestive tro troubles he concluded |