Show G General Wife Chute Chide h f C F From rom F II Plane PIane BERLIN March Maich Ma ch 18 18 UP A UP- UP Brig Gen Telford Taylor and his wife were injured Thursday when they and seven other Americans balled bailed out of a C 47 plane and landed in Russian-occupied Russian territory In or near near Berlin Taylor chief U. U S. S war crimes prosecutor in Germany suffered a wrenched back and a hip Injury His wife had a leg Injury Ambulances Ambulances Am Ann- were sent to bring them and the others back to the U. U S. S sector of Berlin The pilot and copilot stayed with the plane and made and made a forced landing safely at Gatow airport in the British sector of Berlin The plane had carried five crewmen and six passengers One of the crewmen a sergeant was Injured The plane took off in a rain from airfield here bound for site of the war var crimes trials It developed engine trouble within a few minutes Taylor had been conferring here with Gen Lucius D. D Clay U. U 5 S. S military gov gay The names of those aboard besides besides besides be be- sides the Taylors Taylora were not announced announced announced an an- immediately |