Show Gay Accessory Is Youthful Costume accessories can be invaluable allies ames to a aa woma woman who plots plot ways to look younger Two types of ot jewelry for example which will vill abet her in her plot plo are earrings and brace brace- race race- lets Impressive bracelets ets are invaluable aids for flagging eyes away from hands Earrings have an almost magic way of lifting lifting lift ing a face but this rejuvenating ing bit of at glitter should be small and compact in design not design not of the pendant type Handbags which make the thew w woman man who carries them seem more more youthful are the clutch t type or or are the kind of bag which she swings front from her shoulder The kind of handbag to shun because of ot its associations associations with the older lady laay of bygone bygone bygone by by- gone days is the reticule type with a swung hand-swung handle Gloves with a look of high- high style jauntiness are more rejuvenating rejuvenating rejuvenating to a womans woman's appearance appearance appearance appear appear- ance than the more conservative styles tyles |