Show Attorneys Study Complaint In Agency Case A complaint charging embezzlement embezzlement embezzlement embezzle embezzle- ment from the Brigham Street pharmacy liquor package agency gency between Jan 2 1946 and March 2 1948 was expected soon following a conference of liquor control commission commission com corn mission officers and th the county and district attorneys County Attorney Edward M M. MorrI Morrissey ey D District strict Attorney Brigham Brig- Brig ham hamE E. E Roberts and Alma Baldwin field fiel auditor for the liquor control contro commission were closeted al aU all morning In at the county attorneys attorney's office and were meeting in the afternoon with auditors am and commissioners at the liquor control contro commission offices One of the points of ot di discussion during the morning meeting wasa was a question of ot charging In the complaint complaint com corn plaint that the embezzlement was in funds or in property Gives No Indication Mr Roberts gave no indication that a complaint would be signed immediately We cannot definitely definitely definitely say there will be a a complaint complaint com corn plaint nor can we say whether it will Involve one or more nore than one person he declared The county attorney said that the meeting Thursday morning was held with the liquor c commis commission sion auditors so 80 that they could point ou out discrepancies in the agency accounts and where they occurred Our afternoon Is Isto Isto to verify the evidence submitted by going oy over r. r the actual accounts held by t the e. e liquor commission Mr Morrissey said Baid Mr Morrissey explained that sufficient evidence had been bien collected collected collected col col- col- col from an audit of ot a single code number to warrant the Issuance is issuance issuance is- is of a complaint Much Involved d j. j are moro th than n 1000 code numbers m f y in i i M Morrissey sId said Id He estimated t d' d it would take auditors at least 60 days to track down the shortages from the accounts for tor sub submission as M evidence I Mr Morrissey said he had had hada I a telephone call Thursday morning morn mor morning morn morn- 1 ing from Cyrus V. V Lack manager of t the pa package kage agency Mr Lack has hM asked our office to investigate the accounts of the agency gency prior to Jan 2 1946 he said Mr Morrissey and the state auditors auditors au au- au- au I have not been able to obtain any records prior to the date when Mr Lad Lack took over the agency from LaWton Hedrick Mr Morrissey said Mi Mr Hedrick who Is now living in Texas had submitted a signed affidavit from Mr Lack who accepted the liquor stock transfer as correct Too Involved Mr Morrissey also discounted the thc possibility that a grand jury would Investigate the liquor shortage at the package agency He said such action would be too involved The evidence will be turned over to DIst Atty Roberts for prosecution In district court he said ir- ir 1 i Sen Mitchell Stirs legislature re with liquor att attack ck |