Show Pardon Denied Slayer at Board Hearing Family amily of Victim rot Prot Protests Against Leh Leniency ency ncy I. I Parole was was' denied Thursday y to a 28 year old killer after his victims victim 11 family bitterly protested any len len- ency lency on the part of Utah's parole board The board was c considering the c case of Ercil H H. Clark 28 Sandy who vho il is serving a life Ufe sentence forthe for forthe he the the fatal stabbing and shooting of f Willis B B. B Ferguson 29 Sandy on Oct 1 1 1940 Fergusons Ferguson's mother and father Mr and Mrs William Ferguson and hi his sister Mrs M Melba Park appeared They said Clark n never vcr gave Willis a chance The Ferguson family appeared I after Clarks Clark's sister Mrs Mary Durand Durand had journeyed from St St St. I Louis ouis Mo I and pleaded in his behalf be- be half She promised a job for ClarkIn Clark In n St. St Louis Promised Job lob Clark himself appeared for the first time His application for parole parole parole pa pa pa- role previously was denied denie five time timer imes The board also alzo denied d' d the application cation of Charles Foster 29 29 Little LittleRock LittleRock Rock lock Ark who is serving yea 20 years a for or second degree murder Fost Foster r was convicted of stabbing Blanche Kearn Cearn on Oct 26 1944 in Salt Lake City Late Thursday the board had granted 10 applications parole de de de- led 11 and terminated six Two applications were withdrawn Paroles Granted Paroles Parole granted were ai as follows Richard Paul Bronson 27 committed commit- commit ted ed from Box ox Elder county Issuing fictitious check served one year ear five months May 17 Le Lee Bird Elra BIr 29 Salt alt Lake county escape served live five months Nov ov 5 Marvin ln Wittenbach 25 Salt SnIt Lake county second degree burglary served two years June 25 Clarence W W. Clark 40 Salt Lake county grand larceny served two years ears Sept 11 Li Freem Freeman n Corless 27 n Salt alt Lake county robbery two years fIve Ive months served July 9 9 Orvllle Orville Dalton alton 37 37 Salt Lake county forgery two wo years served June 25 Art Henerson Hen Hen- demon derson erson 39 Cache county fictitious check heck one year and two months served July 22 William H. H Knight 23 Salt Lake county funds checks one year and six months served Sept 30 George F. F Kohles 37 Salt Lake county torge for for- ge ery gerv v el eight ht months served Sept 10 Terminations granted Charles Bell 50 0 Vancouver Wash issuing a fraudulent check to California on June une 28 25 Emmett Brown 41 Rocky Mountain fountain N. N C c. grand larceny Sept 3 1947 Harry 72 Salt aKe Lae City grand larceny to immigration tion lon authorities Sophie Gabaldon Conlon 25 Salt Lake City grand larceny arceny effective Aug 1 woodrow Lamb 67 D Denver Colo Cola second degree degree degree de de- de- de gree burglary July 11 |