Show 25 YEARS AGO From the files Wea of f the Salt Lake Telegram Tele Fele- elem ele gram m of laich 1 March 18 8 1923 1928 Salt L Lake ke h his has s been chosen as the IDeation location location loca IDea tion for fora a plant ot of the R. R C. C Miller Manufacturing Manufacturing Manu Manu- c company a a. br branch that will employ employ em- em em- em x em-x ploy men and will have ave an an annual pay pay roll of according to an announcement announcement announce announce- ment by the industrial bureau of ot the Chamber chamber Cham- Cham cham cham- ber bei of commerce commerce The comp company ny manufactures t tures rca res over overalls jumpers work clothes khaki riding clothes and other garments Hyrum Byrum Dempsey father of Jack Dempsey Demp- Demp sey worlds world's heavyweight champion has hai re returned returned returned re- re turned t to his home from the Holy Cross hospital and is recovering from from a a. severe U illness Number of Jt sheep expected to yield fleece this year beginning April 10 is according to Thomas Redmond state sheep inspector for the department nt 0 of ol ture He reported that sheep are in good J Jc c nd and that the outlook for flock flock- routers has haa never been better in the state The price he said laid is now ar around und 46 cents which shows that the return from the wool crop for Utah will aggregate more than pounds of wool which about Advertisements today included washer E Easter ter hats to new silk petticoats and and bloomers reproduction reproductions tion of minute last-minute modes now being exhibited exhibited ex ex- by leading Parisian 25 25 to 7 50 J |