Show 71 NOW YOURE YOU'RE TALKING ly sy Th Th Inquiring IV r The e Telegram will pay you 1 1 1 for for every question used wed In the Now Youre Now Talking c column o 01 I u m n. n w Send your question t to th the Int In- In t quiring qui ring Salt Lake Ie Telegram gram Salt Lake City iO o. o If It it is used you will receive 1 1 Mra Mrs i. i L. L A Burt 30 S Stratford ratford ave save r receives 1 today for tor or the thc f following question e er r THE QUESTION r Do you prefer double or single f feature movies i atu WHERE ASKED t Snow Pine lodge Alta Aha THE ANSWERS VERS Catherine Wyler 8 B daughter o of Mr r. r and Mrs William Villiam Wyler Vyler Los Lo Los Angeles Cal Huh Huh I dont don't on know kno what that means mean's Oh Id I'd rather see ace t two w wo o pictures picture M My y daddy Claddy directs movies ies teal but butr I dont don't see seeth 4 f th em very often y r Anyway I 1 like cowboy cowboy cow cow- boy pictures an an if It I Iran tan see lief two at the ame same t time I m e c that's r fine finc Y Yep p I liked The Best Years bf f Our Lives cause my daddy fixed it up but butI I still would rather see see the cowboys Reed Porter 15 son of Mr P. P r. r anc arid and Mrs rs George A A. A Porter orter 2 th South an and East When East When I go to o a movie movie I Just go to kill kilt time so guess so-guess guess I 1 prefer double features fea fea- tures tares M Might I g h t as aswell well wen get my moneys money's 7 worth orth and waste as C 1 much time as possible possible ble while Im I'm at t. t it ft J No Nope a dont don't rc really a ll t oz J like shows but when Im I'm m dragged into one by the girl girlfriend girlfriend friend it should be a double fea- fea ture so Id I'd get all aU the torture over at one sitting an let it be a lesson to me not to enter another theater for a long time June June secretary 2065 2065 East East Depends Depends on how much time lime I have but Id I'd rather see a single singlee feature cause t theres there's always a cartoon car car- thou toon and other short I z subjects You dont don't get fet such BUch a vari variety ty of j. j f entertainment ment with witha a d double doub e f feature eat u r e f Eti y Then too theaters offering fering a single fea feature ea- ea t. t y ture ure U usually 8 U a I 1 Y have Z i t i more ore to offer in in the way of higher type ent entertainment Id I'd rather Beene see Bee one ne good show than two poor ones Yv Yvonne Rl Richards l ard 12 d daughter of pf Mr and Mrs Frank H H. Richards Richards Rich Rich- ards 1734 Harvard ave Double Double r rSS I I g get t more for m my Y ni o one y th that t way 1 See S some o m m e e times tines I Ij r j have hav e to 10 pay P-aY tox to x see a movie an any y j oth other r times if it Im I'm 4 s 1 lucky I can get by j for lie He MI If I have to i f pay I Id I'd d rather e see two movies Then ThenY 1 Y dont don't feel so bad about paying 00 so much One much One is good enough for He Sometimes the feature double-feature movies mow les ies arc are so 80 bad though that I get getup getup up p an leave in the middle of ot one |