Show 69 M Motorists s Lose Permits Driver Been licenses of ot 69 persons i including 14 convicted d of drunken driving and 23 convicted of ot negligent gent driving were revoked or suspended suspended suspended sus sus- Thursday y by the Utah lah state stale tax as follows Revoked one year for drunken driving drIvIng William Franklin Bonsack Devon Elliot Dalton and George Gcorge Frank Frnnk Naylor Salt Lake Lake City June Ruelon Provo Woodrow I Hill lilli Ogden William Clive Mathie Mathle Huntington Wallace oen MeE and andI I Vergene Max MaC Orton Orion I t Victor D Provost Heber City Kendel Ken Ken- del delV W. W Scow Hurricane and Frank Morgan Stevenson Sunnyside Suspend three three months for drunken drunk- drunk cm en driving Burt Bishop Columbia John Page PaRe lUcks Hicks and an Marshall Lee Application denied addi to Oct 11 1949 for tor driving during revocation period David Andrew Andrea Logan Application denied dented three months additional for tor driving during suspension suspension suspension sus sus- pension period period John John Willis King Salt Lake City July July 8 8 19 1948 18 and Harvey Jex Jex- Par Park Spanish Fork Aug 6 1948 Suspended until judgment Is sat sat- Alexander Alexander G G. McFarland Brigham City Suspend three months for tor hit hit- hit hit- run driving Floyd driving Floyd L. L Smith Moran Mor Mor- gan an- an f Suspended three months for tor involvement In Involvement Involvement In- In In serious truffle traffic acci accI- dent Lot dent Lot Smith Hamblin Salt Lake City Suspended three months rf 1 for falsification of ot age age Caldwell Salt Lake r sand Grant Bennie Trussel Ogden Suspended for tor negligent driving Three months months Tau Taul I Faro Greer Ogden John George Georg Italasano Salt Lake City and Jed Lewis Richmond Six months months Asay and Samuel Albert Marvosh Manosh both Salt Lake City Rob Roy Palmer Logan and Lorin Harold Powell Lehl Lehi Three months months James James amts Henry Alien Allen Al Al- len ien Draper Fred Brough rough Bingham Keith Reith Joseph Davis Connie Maurice King James Paul Ottenstein Orin Nelson Romney Jr Lionel Robert all of or Salt Lake City Don Richard Bird Lloyd Grant Frand- Frand sera sen Frank Wayne Vayne Hampson John Elmer Lowell Wesley Robbins Robbins Rob- Rob bins and Maxwell A. A Shreeve all nIl of or Ogden James A. A Bratt Riverton Leroy Wallace Ferguson and Vernon E. E E T Taylor lor both Provo Pro Suspended Indefinite period for tor refusal or failure to take special examinations examinations- William A. A Cowley and Russell Thomas Harris Ba Layton Layton Layton Lay- Lay ton Mon Man Roy Davis Salem Wayne Reed Davis Js Brigham City John William Evans William Donald Garr Carr Fred Chapman Jackson Frank Robert Roberl Johnson Julius Iver Larsen Arthur William Mosher allor all of or Ogden Leslie Clarence Gold Carl P Arthur William Ray Hynes Thomas and Ray Vernon ZObrist Salt Lake City Zane Green Murray Chris Chris' Hreinson son Orem Lionel A A. A Martin Magna Lynn Reed Miller r. r Hyrum Dominic Louis Prices Vernal Jay Porter Provo Douglas Everard Roc Rocho o. o Tremonton Leo Howard Sanders Logan and Arden Arden Ar- Ar den Henry White Lyman |