Show 1 c Prison PIson Leaders Probe 2 Stabbing of Inmate st Stabbing ng of a year old in inina inmate in- in 1 ina mate nat e. e J late t Ve Wednesday n in barracks at atthe the it neW new w Point of the tho Mountain prison site site was being Investigated Thursday by Utah state prison officials t The victim Clarence O. O Butterfield Butterfield Butter- Butter field Draper who is serving a aI 1 I to 20 year sentence for second second- degree burglary was found about 11 II pm p.m. Wednesday in his barracks stabbed twice In the back according according accord accord- ing lug to Warden Varden John E E. Harris He was rushed to the hospital at the state prison in Salt Lake City His condition was described as not critical r by Dr Walter Valter P. P Horton prison physician Warden Harris said an r tl- tl gation was waa under way and aid d two or three convicts from the Point of ot the Mountain camp would be brought into his office for questioning questioning ques ques- Thursday afternoon Butterfield who was committed Sept 26 1946 WM was stabbed on once e ein in the back of his heart without damage to th the organ and once once OnCi in the left sid side of f his back bacKI near the end of his spine the warden said Officials c carrying trying out Ute the Investigation investigation in- in at Warden Harlis' Harlis di direction dl di are Jesse Walton superintendent superintendent superintendent super super- of the new prison sIte Capt James H H. Davis Clarence W. W Dent chief cl clerk and L L. M M. S Sli SHerwood rW cid ide identification officer f 1 t |