Show lice Probe Mystery 13 f 3 Held as Captives March farch 18 U Jp- Jp CE Calr caL the virtual capo capa cap- cap ce tea ot of 27 yeAr wo woman an and d Year a o ted children ren In a emaciated x Twenty house se at 7 1 Avenue It Thuren Thur- Thur records cords e ed In police who wh kept the three- three en women i the thc beach ent just off of ff false charges ea fed on n I ent and inhuman treat treat- of their charges They are the Misses J Josephine Vella 58 and Marie Clavey Clivey 60 Juvenile Officer Dolores Perkins and Deputy DIst Atty James Fredericks who investigated the bizarre case said It began a 8 week ago when a year old boy dressed in girls girl's clothing was was found huddled on a curbstone ina In Ina Ina a weakened emaciated ted condition He had been living at 7 1 Avenue Twenty Tues Tuesday ay they found the young woman hiding in a trunk in n the house at 7 1 7 Avenue Twenty and later they discovered a year old girl at a Santa Sata Monica residence who had been living with the Misses Clavey and Vella until two days ago The investigators investigator said Miss Clavey told them she had had the young woman whom she had given the name name Edna Bessie Densmore Densmore Densmore Dens- Dens more since 1922 when her unidentified unidentified unidentified mother left her there She also related that the boy given the name John Joseph Wayne had ben left at their nursery when he was two weeks old Officer Perkins said that Mrs Elizabeth Riechel of at Santa Monica related that the year old girl whom she named Mary Riechel was left with her by by her unIdentified unidentified unidentified un un- identified mother and Mrs Riechel had placed the child with the Misses Misses' Clavey and Vella seven years ago The latter returned the child to Mrs Riechel Tuesday |