Show With Every Purchase of f mm i DESERT E ES S Sr r M TO TOILET I LET WATER P 5 r I I M Ter c a x 1 g get t I a small smail r b bottle of Desert Flower Perfume i rno r at 01 noi no r l extra a cos cost t. t t r lEIGH PERFUMES PERFUMES 6 A Jon of lit Inc Rockefeller Center Nw New York it e. e fir r j. j Now you yov too loo 00 eon cn discover Hi the th I end and fragrance of th m ch about Detect Desert fT Rower Flower wr Perfume T t lust Just by buying Flower flow Toilet War Wafer for yourself or for gl A blends ti the modem and urbon ba with ith the y tery and magnetism of the th eternal di P tY that tho r J T Who Wha Finds b 1 M tl 4 l H Hut o r 1 end and r. r o u a t t- t r III ow tow Sic Sic- DESERT FLOWER t ADVERTISEMENT i IF W STOMACH BILKS BALKS DUE TO TOGAS TOGAS GAS AND BLOAT I Help Get Gee Food Digested to Relieve Yourself of This Nervous Distress Do you feel all puffed puffed miserable after fter every meal taste tute tour sour bitter food It If t to so 0 here Is how you may get blessed relief la In In helping your stomach do the job tt ob It should hoUld be In doing doing la the thi digestion diges- diges lon tion of Ita Its food food ent enters u the stomach a avital Ital vital Juice must flow now normally to up break certain food particles else the food may ferment Sour food acid Indication Indi cation and gas frequently cause a morbid morbid mor- mor bid Id touchy fretful peevish nervous condition loss Joss of appetite underweight restless sleep weakness To set get real relief you must Increase the he flow now of this vital gastric juice Medi Medi- Medial Medical cal al authorities In 10 Independent labors labors- tory ory testa tests on human stomachs have by shown that Tonic Is I. amazingly effective In Increasing this thia now low when it Is too little or scanty due to o a organic non stomach disturbance This Is JI due to the Tonic formula which contains special and potent activating ntinE Ingredients Inra Also Allo Tonic helps help build up t p non non- organic weak watery blood In onal anemia anemia so o with a good flow now of ofUs this Us gastric digestive juice plus rich r red red- bloo blood lood you should eat better sleep leep better feel feel eel better work better play better Avoid punishing yourself with overdoses over- over overdoses doses oses of ot soda loda and other to counteract gas gal and bloating when what you ou so dearly need Is II Tonic to help you ou digest direst food for body strength and repair Dont Don t watt walt Join the host of happy appy people Tonic has helped Millions of bottles sold Get a bottle of ot BS 85 S Tonic from your drug tore store toda today 3 S Tonic h help lJ Build Sturdy Health r k r r 1 I f r y y 1 7 A J 4 I ii ti r F II i f f 1 4 11 s I c I y a. a T Tp p 4 f 1 tL 4 1 J r a 7 i r t. t M MY jI r f J f Po Y oS J i. i J f 2 i iii t. t u it i 01 J d. i. 4 tt- tt 1 j f 9 fx 4 1 i t tr t t. t y fl r rL t 1 L to y e s ye t L T. T I r t 2 J I t Jh Wt It it t. t I 7 Platform sandal blue r J o 1 T 7 r rn navy feather her j W lo lt r 1 I riding High tie in black teacher leather jH 1 z n on d 11 a a platform Choose either with high hit t I I. I C 99 or midway h he heel AKERS AKER'S smart price i ii t 3 V X x V S v 0 1 r fi-r t. t k kU rU U A i Y- Y J I. I r South Main Street Y 11 r Add 13 en ai e n. n Ne NC C. C Q Di Ds L f fj I NEW and USED STEEL COTS w duty cot 01 with steel Irtel ansin Iron Iron frame lints rubric Helical e coll colt springs at ends end and Heavy I III tubular tubular r ends end with positive locks hie 1 I fold fold flat and Rall against bottom III 01 of ot frame fram Ideal Idea for camps campi hotels botell etc ete v sire 47 lbs Ibl USED m cf NEW EW tO Cf 1 50 2 50 Each I O Each Each prices upon application III III Monsey Iron Metal Co Go Dial Olal 3 3 Salt gall Lake III III 7 O South 3rd Vue I V. V WANTED Salesman With Following Childrens Children's wear war apparel Dresses Dresse on on to six lix Southern California firm Low price rang range Attractive commission Reply Tribune Tribune-Tele gram lox Box X X 49 I A 1 t ae YOUR 4 l ROY GORDON CORDON GORDON Mgr Mg Phone phon 6 MAN 11 SATURDAY LAST TWO DAYS OF OF 1 1 ROEBUCK AND CO J 1 Lot I m. m 1 N Ii t a St St. SEE BEFORE YOU SEW iv r- r 4 c 1 J S 10 1 1 Wf l t ts R s I 1 t tie 1 fl See new fashions for or yourself r r i j w a ar ar and n cos costumes tomes mes for or the e kid kiddies dies made u up from rum N j jar L 1 beautiful eau I u Fabrics S See e them them em v r r 19 Js F 1 displayed Is a e o on n. n lifelike mannequins ins m y- y Learn how w little I e it I cos costs s to to- to o f 1 I I. I 1 V I l I i 1 d duplicate u I i c a e. e them h. h J W em S 1 up r r rA rS A ri I 0 i J 1 t. t 94 4 t tc I I q 40 J f tl u in I Irr W i rr IV i r. r S f I c F a. a ilk h ti It It IJ 4 I l J. J Jt r is Simplicity Pattern II 65 i a. a d No No Ne 2363 i Q tt i f I 4 h- h hh h t C r V- V FABRIC 4 CS Included with Wool f J o r Rayon Fabrics 1 Get the New label with C 1 L F SHOP FRIDAY FRIDA your purchase of any wool V r I IA Ir or rayon or ro on fabric Adds a smart fin fin- A r W NIGHT UNTIL t g touch to garments you sew is 5 C S r 1 yam A SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL 4 y 1 ARRAY OF F I 0 Jt FABRICS FOR SPRING f r. r Butcher Linen r. r Plain p pastel 1 colors color i in a I J. J f 1 j J 1 k r R r firm g heavy firmly woven liner linen l. l textured fabric 38 inches r W- W 1 p wide wid Yd let t 1 1 T Wool and Rayon Tropical hii lightweight soft ot draping J 1 r crep trop crepe In In springtime s hades Jf 49 1 c. c 1 r I i 1 s 4 54 Inn In In wide wid Yd S lt e j I A Ply Yarn Moss Crepe rr I. I 2 kS tr inch 41 popular Fortune fartun 39 J type ply yarn moss mOil crepe 2 L r 1 a 1 4 9 beautiful colon colors Yd Simplicity Pattern No i Rayon and Cotton Prints r I. I rj i rr r J t lively Live patterns sparkling T t y 1 10 I 9 rw colors colon for rah fresh spring fash fath- I l Ions nl 38 36 In wide Yd I. I W j hf tl S f I. I 11 Wide Wd j as as un ast lessor Assortment A f men 36 36 in ed Chambra Chambray Ma Maximum shrinkage 1 1 In Ina r a gay goy assortment of stripes 5 9 c w COTTON COT COTTON TON PRINTS I j end ond solids Vat Vat dyed dyed- Yd t y r is f s t t's s I f Printed Broadcloth Rayon p r I I f inch 38 38 printed primed ray rayon n brood broad II cloth coth clo Small floral flor l on op postal pastel tm JQ V c. c 1 39 backgrounds Hand wash wash- 1 able abl Yd y 36 INCHES 36 INCHES WIDE 4 9 rt J Y d d. t 1 38 38 in Fine Rayon Sheers 1 J Cool attractive for blouses F 29 plaids dresses lards Yd Many checks check r. r and kit tl y i Flor Floral a I s r stripes or 10 plaids lards in in a handsome group of 36 inch 36 1101 U wide materials the they will well la fu y 38 in Organdy Crl Crisp p permanent finish mute A favorite foe fa r S r 5 f ast f. f for r I lasting f freshness res h ness far for perky blaus blouses 69 C i Pink Pink blue Ink bl o or green Yd ti 36 m. 36 IN COTTON 7 7 7 PLAIN COLORS YI YD we 9 41 41 Rayon Gabardine durable Close Clou will twill Eight weave colors color strong and for I 29 Simplicity No 1996 Pattern 36 Inch I Inch White Dimity 38 38 inch Print rint tl f x suits sui sportswear yd r b Make adorable blouses aprons Unusually nov novel 1 stipe striped or pr p plin t e d 5 r or infants infants' f wear f from t this h. h corded d d suits ts dr SS' SS 3 36 ln Printed te Ba Batiste l y r rom s c r e patterns f fo 01 suits sun te 0 or liar crossbar homo home Sheer Shier cotton cation I in 2 aprons gay goy prints prink Washable col 79 if C a ts J r S i I dimity yd d. d 5 9 C decorations i yd yd- yd J ors on Yd jr c l 1 A I v. v s sL a L V MAIN MAIN OR STATE AT SOUTH oa z SEA RS DIAL PA PARK K FREE fRE tl f HOURS AM A.M. TO 6 P.M. doY ir r i III r |