Show Reli Relief f Can Be an Expensive Business I IA A study of public welfare expenditures expenditures expendi expendi- tures in the state of Utah by the U Utah ili foundation demonstrates just Jiow how ow costly this relief program may be and d why it itis itis I is a financial and governmental headache for Utah legislators and administrators The foundation takes the hypothetical cal case of one Utah family on the welfare rolls and estimates ates possible pos cost ost of giving aid to that family through the ye years rs The case is t of f a woman aged 35 whose husband dies leaving a family of four children aged 1 3 5 5 and 8 Under the aid to dependent children children children chil chil- dren program this family would receive a ft total of under the welfare departments department's standard budget or 28 under the leg legislative maximum budget b by th the time the e you youngest gest child was 18 when the A D C program would wo ce cease I In addition the mother after she became 65 would be for eligible for an old age pension and would on the basis of normal life expectancy receive an addition additional addi addi- tion l under the welfare budget or an extra under the legislative tive budget by the time of her death In other words the state would pay payout payout out for the support of just one family family on relief a total of from rom to o JT This s may be a hypothetical c case e. e but it it- itis is by no means an imaginary case There are some 2500 Utah families receiving receiving receiving re re- re- re aid to dependent children fren now and many of them must be on such sucha a ais a basis is that they would approximate n te the the aid envisioned in this foundation study udy It isn't a a 11 question o of f t w whether ether ether- this relief is needed and a wise an and d humane expenditure of tax money The program may y have ave every merit but tl the e high potential cost makes the utmost care in supervising Bing the program and in holding expenditures expenditure to a minimum essential ess 1 R Relief lief can be a mighty expensive busi- busi j 1 ness ness so BO costly that if it is not guarded car carefully it could break the back of the i workers producers and t taxpayers of of- J any state J |