Show Est v ate Offered City commission t Lake e sled ked We W W. D. D Beers city a estimates of t to prep prepare are e i r sugarhouse Sugar S' S proposed on m a r lighting Ugh ling system y LS ion assigned th the Job filing of a aa followIng ns rS Is branchu branch toe the a- a u Dy by bank and National first ret l owners in the ther pro property calls r d white way by the by-the the Utah i P Power wert po lumen 1 lumen tit t C Co of lamps on en t light TUi ith East to East rom from South d d rive drive from and on lith avenue q t 1 to 2191 rn B Ra Ramona nona ona avenue Warren L. L White lighting superIntendent superintendent superintendent su su- su- su in th the Department dc of I public s safety et estimated c cost lt of the project at a year of which the city's itys share shar would be The city city n now w pays 1080 a year for lighting in that area Property Properly owners along th the e streets served by the lights wo would ld pay for 70 of the cost of operation operation operation opera opera- tion while the city would pay 30 Signers of ot the petition requesting requesting requesting request request- ing the installation included d the Merrill AppU Appliance nce Cot Cor Co J J. J C. C Allen the Porte Publishing Co George M. M Kelly S. S P P. Neve R R. E. E Nilson and C CO C. G. G White manager of or th the branch bank |