Show Legion Seeks tonal ion l Meet in S. S L L. members ers of the Salt Lake American e 1 posts is met net Wednesday to d determine on on P te to bring to Salt Sat Lake City the Ute thet oeal t l legion lenon baseball tournament baseball all committee has been working he The the past couple of weeks this is ct t for hi kM already ady arranged for Derks Berks park to the e site of the tourney tentative sponsor sponsor- sponsor sponsor- and nj also aiso the fixed receipts and disburse disburse- t i Regional df district tr ct 12 includes Calif California Arizona Ari Ari- Arizona ri- ri zona zona a Nevada evada Utah and also a team from the Hawaiian islands if a team from there can an be formed for lor th the comin coming year Last year the tourney was held at at Tu Tucson Ariz If four teams enter the tournament six games will be played with a a. a possible seventh in a two loss elimination tourney If five teams e enter ter the meet eight games will be he played with a possible ninth |