Show BLAND ING aup ciment by mrs lucretia Lucic tia ranney 1 blandina 31 andin wea t w leport I 1 fol week wc A en ending 1 I ig wat reb oth 1921 ca 0 0 11 Q Z M 15 1 5 W U 4 1 41 26 1 I 1 po 5 42 28 T PC 6 ilg 36 21 PC fl 7 35 21 PC 8 42 1 28 2 1 clear I 1 9 46 0 cleir clear I 1 10 1 50 22 clear cear I 1 i WARRINER A PORTER I 1 observer john R young loung has been very sick the last week mrs anna baft of bluff i is s visiting tins her mother mrs john poole 0 mrs maggie nielson passed passe dhere bere last saturday on her sit salt take lake city 00 mrs MIT nettie johnson Johnso ir was treated to a very p pleasant 1 a sunt surprise sui prise by some of her frieri friends doii s on the anniversary gy of 0 her birthday after a series of interesting te iiames garnee and exercises to ic verc served by mrs caroline redd andars and Mrs nora John johnson sov mrs zola barthlomew aniio w io used to be miss zola lyman of Blan blanding ling js s the mother of a kirl girl born a few days apo g in fillmore utah mrs britho lojews home hc her sister miss bliss susan lyman of blanding is with her and tlajy the y have been tending the central telephone office in fillmore Fill 0 friday evening the high school dramatic club gave a pl play ay ent entitled it pays to advertise it is san s ii 1 by some of our best local judges of such things to be the very best tiling thing 0 of f its kind ever pulled off in bland ing there was a liberal turnout and they showed their appreciation in terms of interest rood 00 A order an and d applause gr 0 the seems to have bave gotten behind V ind somewhat with his work but he hc arrild th the other day with a girl for mr and sirs mrs corey perkins a boy for mr and mrs fr francis ancis washburn a girl gill for mr and mrs aldon and nd a girl bior for mr and Ms mrs Ch charlie arlic harvey the new arrivals and their mothers tire arc doing fine in the ball games game played here CI early A aly in the week between monticell and blanding the visiting legion ivas was victorious over tile the local legion but the local high school team carried off the boners in the contest with the team fro from athe the north when the local teams cretu returned arned from i monticello two days later however lio wever they reportedly report edla complete reversing ff the te story the blanding leg legion ion wa vitor victorious lous and tuf I 1 s anding 1131 high school lost the g game ime |