Show FOR SALE four roam room hoige t two 0 o lots iouna p cod sh edwith itji thice talla stalla stal s 13 all for 00 sea Is mrs mra lydin lydia dalton dallon monticello butali A aar r SACRED DAY FOR THE BABIE BABIES never neier deny the bables babies thel ron ran I 1 it Is the shining seal sot et u upon pon a year of happiness lot let them believe an in santa alnus or st nicholas cr ariss IC or whatever name tile the jolly Dutch saint bears baars ln in your you r ra ie 11 llalon lon Il arlon Inri alid I 1 I 1 intention li to make five biar j proof to IN THE COU R T 0 establish clr claim im to the 1 land ali above c SCAN SAN JUAN COUNTY A LU described before united wat stales icom corn 1 STATE or OF UTAH WW missioner iss ioner at blanding utah on the tha SUMMONS 14 day of march 1921 1 11 cash store a u i u cor coll ui 40 per Clai claimant malit ranies names ag as witnesses justin plaintiff ys va john al AllenT Jr h Y I 1 blaak james douglas harvey harve Joseph dejel defendant 1 t jt i YARD S Shu rafhacl harvey all of odthe THE STATE or OF UTAH ta TO 1 I 1 blanding anding utah SAID DE DEFENDANT F M office ib GOULD COULD B I 1 BLAKELY you ore are hereby to appear appear rep r ister within twenty days after service of date of first publication february ar ary 2 this summons upon you if solved served 1021 1921 date dale of lall public aleon a 0 O march x within the county in which this thi I 1 act ne t i 2 1921 ion i is brought otherwise within thu thir A natural wonder isa i ty dayi dagg after service and defend the tw in passing assing along tle the eastern base P assessment ol 01 r CH above entitled action and in case of of f tile blue mountains one would be thrilled immediately alth the diat natural aral THE LA SAL LI LIVE E si your failure so to do af i beauty of the scene acene before him to la sal utah januar 47 1921 rendered against according accord mg to the demand of the which with the ilc west vest rising abruptly from the notice is hereby given gihei tha ha at a complaint ue s in ln ten days clays after service of t plain the he painted spira amm s of the moun meeting of tho the direct director od held on the ST ahel t bains a ins stand as a to many miles dry day of january A D 1921 an lons a wyom upon yon will be ba the said court coult of of rolling country coun liy ass assessment estment of cf ten sh share arc clerk T this his action is brought to decover a 1 U looking to the north sl side do of tile the that is to say an assessment of ten judgement jud gement on an recount accorn tor for goad I 1 mountain ata at a certain you can per cent was levied on the capital foment sold so d and delivered to tle defendant in 1 plainly ee cc a horse hoie head made up of chock briock of cf the corporation payable to the of bv plaintiff trees and rocks the trees making in a king ears cars the secretary secre tazy of the lasal 11 sal live sum kell lar plaintiffs pram nose and mane manc and the rocks covered stock company at la sal san juan a r nis atto V f county state slate of ff of before nc Vs bhoge address 23 with snow now mal making rg the face af pf utahan utah donald adams ath grade the aut dakof fe A D 1921 datlof alst pub ja jan n 26 1921 date any stock upon assep af last rob feb 23 1921 men t may remain unpaid on the aist FOR OR T SALE T OR mr TRADE T 12 spools IJ day of february A D 1921 will be barb wire ft inch cable 22 delinquent quent band and advertised for sala at NOTICE V FOR OR publication ft bight inch cal lc with earlier carrier five anve c ca a public auction and unless payment is department of the interior U S double spring buggy 1 set ct buggy made before will be sold the on land office at 1 t salt lake city utah butali hanses 1 old mule 1 day of M march AD 1921 ta pay the 2 4 1921 second hand alfalfa renovator will L I 1 t delinquent i i i with I 1 notice is hereby riven given that geor georae faiq take wheat cheat bran bian lour flour oats writa writ or cos cost to of advertising of william Pe ikins of Blandi blanding rg utah or enquire of george newell moab sale who on january 12 1914 made ionic homo utah adv st CHARLES REDD entry no for lots 3 and I 1 FINISH KODAK HODAN FILMS send secretary 4 S NW 1 becton 4 lots I 1 and 2 ine in your pictures pi clines for nent la sal utah sili gi NEIL section 6 5 To Tow shin 31 3 1 i C L pierce monticello utah av first pub b tan jan 19 WP as t bep r 16 sauth baet ea silt salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention intent to ANYONE INTE RESTE D in sell NOTICE FOR publication make five year proof to establish ing relin acl nie its or deeded land Depart department met of tho the It latan clor or U S claim t tn the land above described mail me ire full description best land office at salt 1 l lake laka city Utah belora beora united states commissioner pico and terms ES as I 1 arve hevral pro january 22 1021 at blandina Blan dinar utah on the day p oc n notice is hereby given that george m maich arch 1921 J and ana wish win to 10 bring them with jiin til ni inq 0 to utah about april first hontans pi W hickman of bc berkley Cal forma claimant claimant ii names as wit witnessed nesse john VV 1 we vic U unless vou to sell who en mav 22 1915 nade made home hem jobeson 4 delbert johnson W it guy guv IV H Garret garretson Ga con quintin 01 li l i pta steni entry no oy alt S sec mon man 11 herbert e r crt H redd P ell 11 of bland A altion ily il tion 35 township 32 south range ings ing utah ra 25 east salt SnIt lake MeT meridian idian has filed GOULD B D BLAKELY v 1 I NOTICE F FOR 0 P uble 11 CATION N notice of intend intention on to i nake malc five rag r 1 r W department of the ll 11 if bior U 11 year proof to establish claim to t the 1112 date of first p publication ab ii at ian february 2 2 land oftie at S salt alt luls city ut rutih ill land above described before mim 1921 1991 date of last public publication icat ateon march february 5 1921 1021 jackson ackson notary public at berkley 2 1921 is hereby given that irza arza R Calf cina and my witnesses to ap 4 kartchner of blanding Blan dinc utah who ilia ol 01 T benr i on sanio same date before clerk of I 1 NOTICE FOR publication JON november 24 1920 made homestead the darica cali t ab department depar tro ent of interior T en irv no for 1114 NE NEV SV SIV utah on the da day of 61 march 1921 vs lands Offic efat at salt a lLao lake city utah 11 i N neat E 14 WV W nwe sea 4 awl 4 claimant names as witnesses george sea 4 section 29 W hickman of Ber berkley klev california Cal fornia forma ja SEm n lary 27 1921 7 josiah E hickman HSc kman logan utah notice isber eby given johnh section 80 30 township 35 south ran Loon lis of la sal febo wo I 1 ol 01 on 23 east salt lake meridian has filed A eugene of monticello enten bunc junc 24 1920 homestead 1 gotico of intention five veu utah Ben Be janian D harshberger of fiade I No for swi IL section cc tion proof to establish claim to the land landl I 1 monticello utah 23 NA nea section 22 wa W SW SEIA above described before U S combi GOULD COULD B D BLAKELY nef SWU section 15 Town shiry 30 missioner Liss iss ioner at blanding Blan dinc utah the regi register sar on 1 south sou range 25 east ea it salt lake mer 21 t lay day cf march 1921 date of fairst fiert publication february Febi 2 couthran idian has filed notice of intention ir to ta anin kloct nm tn iam aas claimant caires ns its witnesses frank 1921 date a n of last annn nn march maich 1 lr make three year proof to establish S kartee kartchner ner qani al M poster 2 1921 9 claim to the land above described bei L black marvin W jono jons all of blandina utah 1 I 1 IN THE COURT OF bil THE SEVE SEVENTH NT fore clerk district court adf at moab boob utah on the day of march DISTRICT OF THE first amb feb 9 1923 1921 last maici 9 1021 1921 STATE OF UTAH IN AN AND D FOR 1921 t SAN JUAN COU COUNTY NTY names as s witnesses SUMMONS boyd hammond 0 0 0 NOTICE FOR publication the collo co operative com frank silvey frank ral c knox all of of tho the interior U S la sal utah uta rian tiff join john corporation vs ln L nd office at salt lake city utah ut ah ir allen rany any a GOULD B BLAKELY I 1 february ri 1921 alic state of utah to the tc raid dd ond Rp notice otice is hereby eby given that william I 1 I 1 date a ci cf tira arst pub nub feb 2 1920 date data t i I 1 a n Z X kartchner Kartch a rt ahner ncr ol of mj Blin 31 dinc uth to f last ala march ach 2 1920 pu P you hereby berby euln nd to are 0 rn appear who lo 10 en crt november 6 1020 1920 made homi hom v athin vit liin twenty days aftic bervi of 2 F cad entry no fri arr lots 3 3 4 IN NOTICE FOR publication this thia upon UDO you vou if served I 1 sy S NW SIVIA SW action town within av the county ire in which this acton of interior U S land slip shin 35 south ran ransa 23 eist east sall sail i has brought otherwise bihm thirty in i offic office n at salt r lake city tn utah i jan T lalee lake men meridian idian has firlej of lin givs after service selvlee and defend tho the 17 1921 1 intention to mi make ke five ver proof to t above action end in c ess n of critic is hereby given givan that clarence clarenca establish chain to tho the land awl alove bour at r failure so to do judgement jud gement will i E bailey ailey 13 of monticello uta who of 01 before U commissioner Commissio S laii umi por bip Q tendered gendered len dered against you accordant accordia accor dinT dir to october 1 28 8 1915 made homestead at BIP anding utah on the th 21 day adny of 0 march S S 1821 7 1 ilbo aitho aomand of tho complaint con plat which entry no for keiu SE section cleant hog s been fled filed with tle th clerk of seid sd 20 00 NEV NW claimant namis names as witnesses arz ar court t this r ct i on HUot S braht plit to attach 11 A NEU NE section 31 township 33 i R Kartch noi binni it 11 orter 1 Sano defendants property P to escure ine south range 26 east sall late lake afar L B lack ma rvin W jones 1111 of T T 4 n 1 I 1 ill 1 6 1 atod iii i wa i i ress ness 1 hilj HA idi idia n as f fied mica k of intention to 1 0 w MCC mcconkle Mccon ankle Klc A attorney attorn e ay iy for or ait make itlie t ye elir ai proof roo f to establish firsta firof pub peul D lasi matil P plaintiff giai ff cla lain m to the land above described bc 1 9 1921 post office offic address Addi fore foie clerk of the district courte at NOTICE FOR 0 publication utah utah cri aff the 2 sti i 6 day ofa off 1 I first pub jan 19 1 pub feb Febi february iary 1921 1021 detriment rement of anter intoner Int onor jor U S land office lake 16 1021 claimant names as witnesses ses at salt city utah feh feb morgan A barton rasmus rasmus D rass 1 1921 IN TITE THE JUSTICES COURT OF william L will amussen jm mussen philips and notice is ia hereby given that hit oren oien I 1 THE monticello JN barq G shutt all ali of utah lewis of salt lalie lake city utah who I 1 AND FOR SAN JUAN COUNTY gould B BB blakely lakely on may mav 20 1915 1015 made homestead I 1 STATE OF BEFORE GEO register c entry no for NEU 4 section va E HANEY JUS W OF THE date dt of first buli cation ja jail A 33 township 32 south 24 y K range ranee tl t l TT PEACE L ALL k j 1921 date of last publication feb east salt lake meridian has filed S SUMMONS U M SI 0 N S 23 ard 1921 notice of intention to make five year IH a sherman john plaintiff vs proof to establish claim to land allen defendant 1 NOTICE FOR publication above described before regis reds os THE STATE OW 0 pah TO THE I 1 department of the interior US U S lands lan ter and nd receiver U S land office arsat anke DEFENDANT is office e at Salt Salti Lako Lake city utah ja jan na at salt cy city utah on the I 1 you are hereby amord to appear 1 14 4 1921 lay of march 1921 1021 claimant names as witnesses arch i before ote the abow above jat ad curt court with I 1 notice is hereby given elve that jasp ol 01 V bronson herbert 11 redd alt alan nin 1 ten daye service of this sump baldwin of monticello ajab bah who wh if ved within the on september sePt embr 2 1919 1019 made home fr to monT pon 1 YO U 10 redd all fo monticello U utah t till and ja in in which this jackion is is brought stead entry no for lots 12 walter C lyman of blandina utah I 1 I 1 wise days after aftel 13 3 lots 7 aa 8 9 10 15 ag first publication fib 9 to march 9 1021 nn service and defend deafen T we the above ennit section 4 township 32 south range led action brought against you to rp re ac gast salt lake meridian has cover the sum of IT due the has filed notice of intention to maker make NOTICE FOR publication P pla ai upon a coatric coa trac tor three yer proof to establish establish claim to department Depart met of cf the interior U 13 rn lenderd ord to the defendants defendant the land I 1 above described before clerk cleric land office at salt lavo lake city utah nt at the defendants request between the of tile the distria Di itric court at monticello january 22 1921 1021 1 dates of january 10 1920 and utah on tho the 2nd and day of march 1921 notice iz is hereby given iven that fancis F ancis uary 18 1920 anil and in caso case of cf your Clai maint as 03 witnesses M washburn of BIrin ding butali abo failure so to dojk don jay il boJ EImer er bailey victor baily bailey aea A E i on november 26 lo 10 in made acle bomb home r lenderd against yan lie t n ka Waylan dand F fred red Kel kellerhall Keller lerall alUf of mont MA I 1 entry no ne 81 y j demand of 4 acello 1 el latip ueail utah section 21 eal E IV tzeyi G SE SEU nel 1 nei NE i seit section 28 justice of the nic deac 1 register tov biship 33 35 south range 23 east date of first pub jan ag 1921 1021 data date or of firpo publication jan 19 salt lake meridian ner idian hns has filed notice nodice of of last feb 23 1921 date data of last publication feb 16 |